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The Old XBOX Megathread


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I think I know this guy named Bran who wants his head setting on fire. Plus any other part of his body.

Also, Matt Hazard: Blood, Bath and Beyond? Sucks monkey fuck.

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It sucks? I am truly astonished by that. Truly, truly astonished.

In actual news, the Dante's Inferno demo proves it is... laughably like God of War, just based off a book. It's absolutely gorgeous (looks like a damned movie at times) and there's boobs, but holy crap is it God of War.

In other news, the Dark Void is demo out. It seems like an intriguing game, sooooo I'mma download it.

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It's like if you took Metal Slug and mixed it with Bionic Commando ReArmed and a turd and then charged 1200 points for it. You could buy the retail game for much, much less than that.

Dark Void is something to do with jet packs and chest high walls or so I am led to believe. Jet packing is always worth a look so I will download it at some point.

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Colour me "Eeehhhhhh..." when it comes to Dark Void. It's like Gears of War with flying, basically. Seems cool, but the flying around is all kinds of confusing and herky-jerky, and the Gears of War type bits don't do it any better than Gears of War. It looks great, and I'm sure the environments and open-endeness will be great (if there is any, I just assume there is with flying), but the demo was all kinds of linear and boring and the flying was just confusing and honestly kind of nauseating. Oh yes, and quick-time events. Ugh.

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It sucks? I am truly astonished by that. Truly, truly astonished.

In actual news, the Dante's Inferno demo proves it is... laughably like God of War, just based off a book. It's absolutely gorgeous (looks like a damned movie at times) and there's boobs, but holy crap is it God of War.

In other news, the Dark Void is demo out. It seems like an intriguing game, sooooo I'mma download it.

As someone who's managed to miss the entire God of War franchise, I like this news a lot.

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