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The Old Sony Megathread


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Sony have always been a meh for me. Nothing about their systems or time spent dealing with their customer support has been close to anything that I'd rate 'adequate' and with the value that I've gotten out of Xbox's Gamepass and what they've put out as their goals moving forward with full compatibility for titles and equipment - the Series X is a definite buy for me. I picked up a PS4 to play some exclusives but regretted it and got it out the door after finishing God of War. Some good games - but I don't think anything's really going to change my life if I can't play Spiderman 2 on the Series X.


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33 minutes ago, Your Mom said:

It's true we don't know any Sony stuff yet but they have the better track record. Plus I spend literally hundreds of hours playing MLB: The Show so that counts for a lot :P 

Exactly. I don’t care for Halo or Gears of War in the least bit. The Show is enough for me to stay with PS5, let alone whatever Quantic Dream (are they still even called that?) comes up with next.

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43 minutes ago, Jericode said:

"Sony have secrets and Microsoft have another Halo" doesn't exactly sway me towards an Xbox.

They both have secrets. Halo is just the only formally announced Xbox title, and as I said, there are fifteen different first-party studios working on Series X games.

52 minutes ago, Your Mom said:

It's true we don't know any Sony stuff yet but they have the better track record. Plus I spend literally hundreds of hours playing MLB: The Show so that counts for a lot :P 

Speaking of MLB: The Show, it's going to be a multi-platform game from 2021.

Personally, I don't swing one way or another right now. I would suggest to everyone not to dismiss or commit to either system just yet because we could be in for plenty of surprises between now and the end of the year. I feel as though this is the first time both Microsoft and Sony should be fairly evenly matched in terms of quality out of the gate. In the past couple of generations, one of them has started out with a particularly costly blunder, so having them both on form would be interesting.

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Another point in Sony’s favor: I went through seven 360’s due to the Red Ring. I’ve had only two PS4’s and my one only died because of a freak occurrence during a thunderstorm. I’m sure Microsoft is better than that now, but that also still left a bad taste in my mouth.

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I ended up with four different 360 units due to the RROD. None of my other systems have ever stopped working. I think failure rates across the board were considerably lower during this generation than the last one. In the Xbox 360's case, it had a huge amount to do with Microsoft's decision to rush the system out before Christmas. With both companies pushing hard for a holiday release, despite the pandemic, I hope we don't see a repeat.

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You’re lucky. I remember the guy at Microsoft suggesting I turn it off every so often, implying that I play video games all day, which was rich since I was in the military at that time and don’t think I played but an hour or two a week.

And when my seventh and last 360 died, I called to cancel Xbox Live and they offered me a free year, which caused me to bust out laughing and remind the guy the reason I was calling was because my console was dead and I wouldn’t be returning it.

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I'll be getting the PS5 and I won't be getting an Xbox. I have Gamepass on my PC, and with all first party games coming to that day and date, there's really no point in picking up the new Xbox. Plus, though they've not been announced, God of War 2, Spider-Man 2 and Horizon Zero Dawn 2 are all sure-fire things for the PS5, plus whatever Naughty Dog, Sucker Punch, Bend and Japan Studio end up working on.

We're at a point where the performance of both consoles are going to be very similar to anyone who's not completely tech-savvy, and console UI isn't enough to sway me either way. The games I want to play are all going to be on Playstation, so for me it's a no brainer.

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I don't know when I'll be getting a PS5, but when I get a new console that'll be it.

Though that may be a while as I'll be mostly getting it for the exclusives at that point, much like the Switch.

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I have both PS4 and Xbox One, and I'll be going PS5 first for the simple reason that my Xbox One is essentially just a Rock Band machine. I vastly prefer the Playstation's user interface, and the DualShock 4 is easily my favorite controller of all time. I have had zero problems with my PS4, but the Xbox One has had multiple issues for me.

I will probably end up with the new Xbox at some point, because eventually I'm sure there will be something that I can't get on the PS5 that I really just have to have, but I've always enjoyed my Sony consoles more than anything I've had from Microsoft.

Game Pass is a fantastic way for Microsoft to gain users though. If I had the free time to really deep dive into a lot of gaming, I'd probably invest in that again and play a lot, but I found that even when I had that subscription, I was only playing one or two games at a time and I don't think that I personally really get all that much value out of it. Between flash sales and PSPlus free games, I've got a massive library of stuff to play on the PS4 without having to have that extra subscription, and it's not hampering me in any way. If the world gets shut down again though, I may subscribe to Playstation Now and see how that compares to Game Pass.

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On 01/06/2020 at 11:27, Baddar said:

Yeah there are still option files knocking about. PES Universe charge a fiver for a yearly subscription but I'm sure there'll be free ones if you search for them. Simple to copy over too. 

All my Master League heroes are retired. :(

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No! Now is my time to get Ni No Kuni 2 for super cheap! and the two-pack of Spyro and Crash Bandicoot! and Control! and I'm getting Streets of Rage 4 even though it's not on sale! That's already like $120, damnit.

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On 03/06/2020 at 19:47, Rukaru Shida said:

Everyone get Persona 5 Royal!

I want to because I really enjoyed Persona 5...up until the end. 

I got to the, I think, 2nd or 3rd to last boss fight.  He was impervious to anything but critical hits...and I had no personas that had a high chance of criticalling.  So no matter what I did, I kept getting wiped out every single time.  He'd actually kill most of my party in 2 or 3 rounds

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