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The Old Sony Megathread


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I had a similar view of Horizon. I thought there was a lot to like, but I didn't think it was quite as good as I'd been led to expect. I think open world fatigue might have something to do with it, and that's part of the reason I haven't played God of War yet.

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I played Horizon when it first came out, and I absolutely adored it. It wasn't without it's issues, but as far as the first game in a (expected) franchise is concerned, it was great. It reminded me of the original Assassin's Creed (albeit a lot better) in that the foundations for everything were so solid that there's no reason the second game can't be a stone cold classic.

I think it suffers from the same issue as all Sony first party games in that everything's perhaps a little too polished. It does everything it does competently and well, and everything looks great, and all the buttons work and it controls as it should, and yet doesn't take enough risks. There's literally nothing about Horizon that's bad, but that's almost to its detriment because there's also nothing about it that's revolutionary or new.

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Now I want an Assassin's Creed in a cyberpunk dystopia. Which is odd, because my least favorite anything about AC is the modern day parts.

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You know what game it feels like an inferior open world version of? Enslaved. Now that was a great game that didn't get the love it should have. Wonderful platformer, solid combat, and a terrific story.

I did face my first Thunderjaw solo last night though and that was a dope fight.

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On 29/05/2020 at 10:20, Baddar said:

Definitely for that price.

Next Thursday, the free Euro 2020 update is coming with all 55 teams. There's obviously no Euro's this year but it was promised so they're releasing it anyway.

Got it, enjoying it. Can you get edit files for PS4? Much as I liked seeing the West Midland Village Crest again I don't have the spare time I used to to redraw all the badges and change the kits.

Also, is the double tap low cross gone?

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Horizon Zero Dawn is one of my favorite games because of just purely the story and the characters (well, some of them).

On the flipside, I got MGS: Ground Zeroes, MGS: Phantom Pain and Lords of the Fallen for $12 total. Gonna add those to the pile of games that I have to play already that I'll never get around to.

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23 minutes ago, Your Mom said:

Selfishly I am disappointed but there are obviously more important things at stake than me getting a look at a console I know I'm going to buy anyway

Are you planning on getting it when it launches or later on?

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1 minute ago, Your Mom said:

Probably launch unless the games suck or there is a known issue with the consoles. That or if it's like cost prohibitive 

How about the new Xbox? Could you be swayed towards getting that instead? I'm just interested in which way people are thinking of going at this stage, before things become clearer.

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2 minutes ago, Bobfoc said:

How about the new Xbox? Could you be swayed towards getting that instead? I'm just interested in which way people are thinking of going at this stage, before things become clearer.

I'm way impressed with the new Xbox and I love the thing where your purchases carry over so I wouldn't have to buy Cyberpunk twice. It might come down to exclusives for me though and at the moment Sony has the edge

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See, this is interesting because, as of right now, we hardly know any of the exclusives that will be coming to each system. For Xbox, we've got Halo: Infinite and for PlayStation, we have nothing significant confirmed. Sony has a good track record of exclusive games, but Microsoft is really pushing that hard now. There are fifteen different Microsoft-owned studios working on exclusives, so it will be interesting to see what they are.

What I'm most interested in is if Sony makes any great strides in providing better competition for Xbox Game Pass. I must say that's a big factor for me at the moment.

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1 minute ago, Bobfoc said:

See, this is interesting because, as of right now, we hardly know any of the exclusives that will be coming to each system. For Xbox, we've got Halo: Infinite and for PlayStation, we have nothing significant confirmed. Sony has a good track record of exclusive games, but Microsoft is really pushing that hard now. There are fifteen different Microsoft-owned studios working on exclusives, so it will be interesting to see what they are.

What I'm most interested in is if Sony makes any great strides in providing better competition for Xbox Game Pass. I must say that's a big factor for me at the moment.

It's true we don't know any Sony stuff yet but they have the better track record. Plus I spend literally hundreds of hours playing MLB: The Show so that counts for a lot :P 

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It's a tough call between Sony and Microsoft always because I think Sony's exclusives are better but I generally like all the moves Microsoft has been making, and I'm pot-committed to Game Pass Ultimate for at least another year or two. Most likely I get the XBox first for a third console generation in a row.

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"Sony have secrets and Microsoft have another Halo" doesn't exactly sway me towards an Xbox.

I've always preferred the Playstation consoles, I only went 360 because most of my friends at the time were switching and I followed the crowd. Hindsight I wish I'd gone PS3.

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