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World Cup 2010 Thread

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Why does the commentator keep saying that USA have xx amount of minutes/rest of the game/plenty of opportunities to win this game etc?

It's not going to happen >_>

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Nothing about Adrian Chiles is sincere. Only cunt.


Not even that whole casual racism bit where he was calling America shit?

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Ever noticed how Rooney runs after EVERY SINGLE BALL that goes towards Tim Howard for a clearance? No matter how obvious it is he's not going to get near it? Yeah, he's played with Tim Howard before at United. He knows... Sooner or later, he'll have a Tim Flowers/Paul Robinson moment. Sooner or later... very probably sooner. ¬_¬

Also, I want to shoot Clive Tyldsley already and he's only "commentated" on 23 minutes of one game.

Bradley and Rooney haven't kicked the shit out of each other yet. :( Mind you, Bradley's only touched the ball twice, and one of those was with his face. So...

Edited by Farmer Reil
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Regretting that sign much?

Besides, if you can only think of two occasions in 234 years...

(The "you" being directed at the sign makers/America in general, not the above poster. Obviously).

Ahahaha, I literally have no idea what's funnier. Tim Howard making a good save and getting hurt, the effort of finally being good getting the better of him. OR, Heskey injures someone after not even half an hour of the first game.

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Shit, Markus Hahnemann might come on. We might not be able to shoot blindly at goal and score loads. Oh no, Howard's fine, we're good. Ahh, I love ragging on Tim Howard. Everyone else I rag on (except Ribery) proves me wrong. No danger of that with Howard.

Does it still count for the drinking game if the player continues playing?

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THERE'S ONLY ONE PAUL ROBINSON! Shit, that's Robert Green.

Fuck you, Robert Green. Fuck you. Now I look even more of a prick for ragging on your opposite number for being dodgy as fuck.

I'm going to be nice from now on.

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