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World Cup 2010 Thread

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I don't understand how people can apply the 'inexperienced' argument to Hart but not Green. This will be Green's 11th England cap (12th if you include the solitary B-team cap he has). He has never been to an international tournament before even as part of the overall squad, and has never even played in European competition at club level.

At the very least Hart was a key part of the England under-21's Euro 2009 campaign (and went with the squad in 2007), and whilst they clearly aren't as high profile/pressure as the World Cup it's still given him a little bit of experience of being part of a tournament squad. Green doesn't even have that.

As for distribution, Green is hardly Pepe Reina either. No English keeper has anything other than average distribution (although at least Green is slightly better than Paul Robinson's 'twat it as high as I can' approach).

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Surprised by Milner and Heskey's inclusions over Joe Cole and Crouch. I'm going for a 2-1 England win, or 1-1 draw. I think USA will score first and shock us into action, causing us to actually play.

Also, upon unpacking food shopping today I notice that the oranges I bought contained a pack of Match World Cup trading cards as a promotional giveaway. So I open them out of curiosity, and get Pele, Beckham, Gago, Ochoa, Bendtner, Anelka and Park-Chu-Young. Out of those 7, one was shiny. It was Nicklas Bendtner...

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Fuck ITV.

The HD channel isn't even showing a HD picture now because their stream clearly shit itself. ITV only cuts out when a goal is about to go in. What a bunch of cunts.

I want a full, sincere apology from Adrian Chiles on their behalf at HT.

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