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World Cup 2010 Thread

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The only positive for France is that I believe that they've now done better than they did at Korea/Japan '02.

Only for the fact that they scored.

Holy crap I remember watching Senegal scoring that goal live, It was awesome despite the handicap of not knowing where Senegal was.

Haha, that was awesome. Watching all the French going "What the fuck just happend?"

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All the "looky, looky" men in Spain were from Senegal so they started giving out free cd's, it was awesome indeed.

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Uruguay getting to the QF's is looking a good shout. Who woulda thunk it.

Those of us in the Western Hemisphere felt they had a pretty good shot.

congrats to South Africa on this match though, and to the energy/atmosphere they bring.

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And a big 'fuck off you cunt' to Domenench for not shaking Parreira's hand at the end of the game. Disgraceful.

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What's the deal with the black 'stripes' down the front and back of some of the Adidas WC shirts? Some of the France and Argentina players have it, but others don't. Anyone know the reason behind it? I remember seeing similar on Russia's new shirt too...

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And a big 'fuck off you cunt' to Domenench for not shaking Parreira's hand at the end of the game. Disgraceful.

Isn't that to be expected from Domenech, though? He's probably the most hated manager alive, and with good reason.

That said... BAHAHAHA, FRANCE :w00t:

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Greece have been diabolical. Other than the goalkeeper, who's been awesome, and the guy man-marking Messi, who's done his job really well (and Samaras in the three seconds total he's had the ball), they've defended (badly) all game and done nothing. Now they're losing anyway. Wish I'd watched the other game now.

Not only did they defend badly all game and then concede, but they've needed to win ever since the first goal in the Korea game, and haven't even bothered to try. So now they get sweet fuck all. And it's very sweet fuck all for all of the poor non-Greeks that had to watch them.

Argentina on the other hand has 72% possession at one point, Messi could've had three despite his man marker, Argentina as a whole should've had 4 or 5 if not for the keeper and the post.

PALERMO!!!! Second most well-deserved goalscorer at the entire world cup, surely. With Messi in second place (and he's now hit the post THREE TIMES in this game alone). If not well-deserved, then at least player I'm happiest for. And Maradonna's gone mad on the touchline. He's been far more entertaining than the entire Greek side.

Edited by Farmer Reil
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A couple were getting a divorce and their son was asked whether he'd like to stay with his mum or his dad. He told the judge that his mum beats him daily, and so he didn't want to live with her. The judge asked 'What about your dad?'. 'He beats me too' answered the son. 'Then who do you want to live with?' asked the judge.

'The French football team. They beat no one.'

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