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The Barclays Premier League Thread 2013/14


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Yeah, he's been dire so far.

Man City looked scarily good against Newcastle but there performance against Cardiff where they couldn't seem to string a set of good passes together seems to be continuing here today and are lucky to not be one nil down.

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Just back from the game. Well deserved win. Fulham made it tough but a bit of quality from Ben Arfa did them in in the end. Remy looks like pure quality too, completely changed the pace when he came on.

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Absolutely. Marveaux was anonymous for the third game in a row (excused City, can't remember if he played but everyone was anonymous that game) and Cisse still doesn't know how to make a run so we went nowhere at any pace. Remy and Gouffran stretched it and asked questions of a pretty lacklustre Fulham defense who had little to do for the first hour. Actually vaguely looking forward to MOTD just to see a few chances, we certainly deserved the goal.

Also looking forward to seeing if they show Ben Arfas celebration where he rather brilliantly ran into the crowd directly on top of a row of wheelchairs. Anywhere but there Hatem.

Looking at the other results too that might be just be enough to push us from last on MOTD to second or third. BBC must be praying Sunderlands a cracker.

Edited by Colly
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No way Di Canio is going to last the season. Not just based on today mind. There's too many signings too quickly and he's an arrogant tit who doesn't have the ability to mesh a squad overhaul like that.

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