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Marvel Cinematic Universe Movie Thread


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I wonder if they even introduce Dr. Doom in the first movie. If I was Marvel, I'd want to try something different than the first two Fantastic Four "debut" entries but I'm not sure who else they'd use as the main villain. With this cast announcement, I think Michael Fassbender would be a great choice for Dr. Doom if they aren't going to use him as Magneto. 

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I kind of feel like "the next main villain of the MCU is going to be Kang" was actually kind of a crazy act of hubris now that we can see what a mess Marvel Studios is right now. That's a villain who is really, really hard to write a good story for and is even more in Comic Book Stuff deep waters than Thanos, and all that was before the guy they put the weight of playing all the versions of him turned out to be a bad call.

I haven't seen Loki S2 yet. From S1 and Quantumania it felt like they were going to try and slow-play him in a slightly different way than Thanos, who was really really obviously strong and menacing but they just hadn't established how strong yet. With Kang it felt a little more like they were trying to sell him as someone who, while not harmless, was powerful in ways that wouldn't really make themselves obvious until you saw the full scope of what he and all his variants can do. But that's a really hard thing to sell and harder still when the franchise itself has basically zero momentum.

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Ben Mendelsohn has said he wants to play Doom, but on Facebook a LOT of people are saying they should cast Mads Mikkelsen. I really am not thrilled with either of those.

The only casting I'm not thrilled with is Pedro Pascal, but only because he's been in a lot of things lately. And I can't see Reed with just a mustache. Hope he goes with a beard. 

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I watched The Marvels and couldn't help but wish the wide-eyed Khamala Khan experiences throughout was actually reflected in the language of the film instead of her dialogue. Iman Vellani is such great casting and they had the opportunity to position us with her so we actually feel her fulfilling her dreams or the thrill of going on a space adventure. But, like Marvel for the last few years, the film just isn't really that cinematic and it's just a bit dead. I think it says a lot that there's more wonder and magic in Raimi's contained Spider-Man films than there is a time-hopping intergalactic romp. 

Enjoyed the cast and it's at its best when they're all interacting at the beginning. I'm a huge fan of Zawe Ashton, so it was great to see her get this kind of platform. It's just sort of boring that Marvel quite regularly hire exciting directors and don't give them much room to do anything. 

I was surprised by how much I really liked Guardians 3 and I'm a bit gutted, but not massively surprised, that it feels much more like an outlier than a return to form. 


And then, predictably, I can't help but get excited about that Beast cameo... 

I never learn. 


Edited by Jimmy
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So The Marvels pretty much sucked. Just all over the place, and not in a good way. A shocking amount of time spent on pointless bullshit, and zero spent on having the story make any actual sense, giving the antagonist a personality, or giving us any reason to care about it. Can't stand on its own merits at all, and didn't seem like it was even trying to. 

Iman Vellani doing her best Nick Fury impression was a good bit though.

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The Marvels is best summed up as a situation where they had a great movie put in their laps and then asked themselves "but what if we made it bad?"

The more time away from it, the angrier I get about it. Some moments of brilliance that feel ruined by a heavy-handed effort to fit it in as a very small piece in a chaotically sprawling media universe.

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I really enjoyed The Marvels tbh, especially more second time around (saw it at the cinema as well as on D+). 

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1 hour ago, Ruki said:

I was gonna watch The Marvels once it hit D+, but based off of everyone's reviews, I think I am gonna skip it. Thanks for saving me 2 hours everyone!

It really depends on what you're looking for out of it.

My wife and I found it to be a fun little romp that is littered with opportunities for it to be a much better movie. It's a bit frustrating in that regard, but if you're still having fun watching superheroes do superhero things, there are worse movies out there.

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Somehwat connected, finally picked Secret Invasion back up and finished it this weekend. And I felt that on its own it's a perfectly fine, albeit generic popcorn romp of staving off WW3 by stopping aliens.

But the issue with that, and a lot of the newer stuff, is that when you sit down and think of the overarching implications of all the things that did, put it in context of past established lore, it quickly falls apart and becomes a mess.

Also, not related with the discussion, but maaaan did the whole "We gotta be nice to Russia" bit suck even when it came out? Obviously Disney never expected Russia to invade Ukraine, but honestly if I had been them, I would've reshot all the Russia specific beats and set it in Vague-y-stan, because it's just... very poor taste in general.

Also, like with Marvels, SI was way too eager to completely nullify most of the things that happened in the grand scheme of things. Lots of things happening that are likely to be nothing more than a one-line reference in the big name films. Their no-depth policy really doesn't help make it all feel connected, and makes watching all the films and series feel less satisfying (when the whole inter-connected nature of things was one of the main selling points in earlier phases)

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  • 2 months later...

I was so looking forward to the potential cameos and jokes I forgot that the film needed a plot, and it appears to have one, which is nice.

The fight scenes look outstanding, but the last part of the trailer concerns me - the "Blind Al loves cocaine" joke has gone from sight gag in the first film, to being specifically referenced in the second film, to now being hammered home into the viewers face to the point it isn't funny. Hopefully that's just a one-off though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well this is quite insane. Captain America 4, formerly nWo, spoilers:


Thunderbolt Ross to turn into Red Hulk confirmed - via the medium of Happy Meal toys.

It seems that the licensing agreement for the Marvel characters for the film to appear as Happy Meal toys was for this month specifically, even though the movie's release has been pushed back 9 months. As a result, the (expected) big reveal that Thunderbolt Ross will turn into Red Hulk during the movie has been spoiled to the world.

I know things like Lego sets have revealed things in the past, but not something this big, and not 9 months before the film comes out.


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6 hours ago, Chris2K said:

Well this is quite insane. Captain America 4, formerly nWo, spoilers:

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Thunderbolt Ross to turn into Red Hulk confirmed - via the medium of Happy Meal toys.

It seems that the licensing agreement for the Marvel characters for the film to appear as Happy Meal toys was for this month specifically, even though the movie's release has been pushed back 9 months. As a result, the (expected) big reveal that Thunderbolt Ross will turn into Red Hulk during the movie has been spoiled to the world.

I know things like Lego sets have revealed things in the past, but not something this big, and not 9 months before the film comes out.


That was rumored for a while. 

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Various reports that "Harry Potter and Game of Thrones star" Ralph Ineson has been cast as Galactus.

Me: Hopes the climax of the film is Reed Richards challenging him to throw a kettle over a pub.

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There'll naturally be CG stuff doing heavy lifting for the appearance but Ineson is someone I'd happily listen to reading the phone book, he has such a great voice... Throwing a kettle over the pub won't even be the worst finish to an MCU film. 

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