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NFL 2021


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25 minutes ago, Lint said:

Cincinnati Bengals rebuild:

Year 1: 2-14

Year 2: 4-12

Year 3: AFCCG Win and Super Bowl Appearance

The biggest way to turn around instantly is, of course, elite level QB play.  Luckily for them Burrow was great right out of the jump and it was apparent he was the guy.  Then they quickly got weapons around him before he eats up a third of the salary cap.

This gives every team a level of hope but the stars and planets don’t often align this well.  They’re living the dream.

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That was a total choke job by KC. Cincy completely adjusted defensive coverage and KC never once bothered trying anything new. They never blitzed and let all the KC WRs fall into coverage and then had the delayed coverage take Mahomes down. Great defensive play calling, absolutely dreadful offensive play calling in the 2nd half.

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32 minutes ago, VerBlue Christmas said:

Man, Cinci winning games could have made somebody cash.

I regret every day not going with my hunch of maybe putting down money on a Cinci SB win. 

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