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NFL 2023


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Because of the OL they can’t even attempt to throw the ball outside of a quick release. Any notion of a vertical game is out the window. Just short pass after short pass, most of which aren’t even beyond the line of scrimmage.

It’s right back to the same unwatchable brand of football they’ve been playing for most of the last decade.

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2022 appears to have been a complete fluke for the Giants.  Every facet of this team regressed right back to a team that will be picking top 5.

Daboll will get a mulligan but he probably enters 2024 knowing if the team doesn’t show clear signs of improvement it’ll lead to their 6th coaching change in a decade, and the cycle continues.

Much like the Mets it’s tough to justify spending any more time or energy on this bullshit.

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I do love a good angry sports guy rant

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Neal's comments were really bad and the apology was probably written by Pat Hanlon or some other member of the Giants' state-run media.  Nobody wins a battle against the fans, especially in this market.

Normally when a top pick busts you blame the GM but it's kinda hard to in Neal's case.  There was basically unanimous agreement that it was the right choice.  They needed a tackle badly, fans wanted him, draft analysts applauded the pick.  Did not see one analyst of repute say he even had bust potential, it seemed like an overwhelmingly safe pick.  And yes, I'm OK calling a 23-year old who is only 4 games into his 2nd year a bust because he's been that bad.  It's Ereck Flowers all over again, except worse because Flowers had legitimate critiques about his technique coming into the league.

There's still some parts of the fanbase pointing to the fact that Andrew Thomas struggled for half of his rookie year before figuring it out.  First off, he figured it out way faster than Neal and never looked close to as bad as Neal has.  Besides that, Thomas is an exception.  Tackles very rarely improve at the NFL level - the great ones almost always are good right out of college, and the ones who top out at serviceable aren't getting bullied on every snap.  He also seems slow and uncoordinated and those just aren't really things that will magically get better.  You can either handle NFL edge speed or you can't.  He can't. 

I know it'll be a tough pill to swallow for Daboll and Schoen but they've gotta kick Neal in to guard sooner than later to see if he can at least get some sort of value out of the pick, cause he's actively killing them at right tackle.

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They should move him to guard and see if he blossoms there. If it's not gonna work at tackle you can try to use what strengths he has to clog up interior pass rushers.

Also if it's any consolation Ekwonu and Cross also evidently suck. Of course, as is tradition, Dallas looks like they may have nabbed a future HOFer yet again with Tyler Smith.

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37 minutes ago, gunnar hendershow said:

They gave up the 32nd pick in the 2023 draft for him. Rough trade, it looked like it could've been a game changer at the time but Claypool has completely checked out of football.

Has he? Or has he just been playing for the Bears, that hadn't won a game in 347 days?

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