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The Old XBOX Megathread


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A new Resident Evil 5 trailer will be shown this weekend. It debuts on GTTV on Spike TV at 1 AM EDT Saturday, then it'll be released on the net. GTTV will also include the first gameplay for Facebreaker, a new Fracture trailer, and the first Golden Axe footage.

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Army of Two isn't a bad game at all (I've only played the multiplayer campaign so that's what I'm basing my opinion on). I wouldn't say it's a can't miss game but it was quite fun to play with my cousin for the couple of days it took us to beat it. I'd pick it up in a bundle deal if you have someone who you play videogames with and like shooter games.

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Ah that sounds allright then.

If I get the bundle deal I would of been getting it anyway, as it was that or Fifa Street 3.

But its good to know its a decent game, as me and my brother need a game to replace Gears of War since my disk broke.

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Can anyone tell me about how good 'Army of Two' is?

I've seen it in a bundle deal, but I'd never heard of it until then.

First off, if you've read the overtly-political bollocks Gamespot review, unread it. It's a solid game, entertaining multiplayer campign, some nice strategic ideas, even if they don't always work quite as well as you'd hope. Some good writing and quality graphics. Better range of weapons would be nice, and doing away with the pimping aspect entirely would be a smart move, but still, a good week's worth or so of fun. I've only played the multiplayer once, and wasn't terribly impressed, although that could be partly put down to playing split screen with my brother, and somes erious alg issues. There's also been a free DLC pack released recently. I agree that it's not a can't-miss title, but if you find it cheap preowned, or it's in a bundle like you mentioned, it's worthwhile. I will admit that I was a tad disappointed with it given the hype it was getting, but nothing was going to live up to the hype it was getting in all fairness, but the only reason I actually traded it in was because I needed cash for Rock Band.

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so I'm looking to find more games so far I have

Mass Effect - great rpg, bioware = win

Marvel Ultimate Alliance - loved the x-men legends games and love this

Smackdown vs Raw 2008 - not great but kinda fun

Lost Odyssey - fun rpg so far

mostly looking for single player but I have a month free of x-box live (gamer tag = birdyjuice). I prefer RPG's but will play a fps or other type if story/gameplay is good. I don't really care for GTA or COD type games.

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Actually, can anyone tell me if Haze is any good?

I've seen stuff on it and it looks really good, but games have a habit of looking really good, then being crap.

Hey, PS3 game! We don't take kindly to your type around here!

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I haven't played much of Bioshock, but it was fun.

Dead Rising, a must have if you like zombies.

Oblivion is great, with or without the expansions. The Quest of the Crusaders was a bit short, but The Shivering Isles was fun and very different.

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Actually, can anyone tell me if Haze is any good?

I've seen stuff on it and it looks really good, but games have a habit of looking really good, then being crap.

Hey, PS3 game! We don't take kindly to your type around here!


I thought it was on the 360 as well.

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I've thought about Bioshock but heard mixed reviews. A friend recommended Dead Rising but I don't know much about it, is it that good? Oblivion sounds great but is it worth it to get it with the expansion or by itself?

Where did you hear mixed reviews for Bioshock? Many outlets named it the 2007 Game of the Year.

Dead Rising is a must-have. I remember reading up on it before it came out and was convinced it was going to suck, but I played it and it's definitely one of my favorite games on 360. I'm in the minority on Oblivion though, I just could not get into the game at all.

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