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The Old XBOX Megathread


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Since you guys have been inviting me a lot lately, I'm setting aside tomorrow evening for Left 4 Dead. Either the NCA finally cracks Dead Air on expert, or we do versus, I'm not fussed, I just haven't been playing because it's annoying starting so late that when we get to the end, I can only have a few cracks at it before I have to leave.

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I was just playing RSV2 on versus mode (deathmatch and then team deathmatch) and this guy won every single game, but ironically enough every time I was the last person to face him my character was jumping around uncontrollably, am I being skeptical or was he somehow doing that to me?

I'm also sick of being banned from servers. GRRR... If you want private games then make all the places invite only.

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Watchdog article and video here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/watchdog/2009/03/xbox_360.html

This is about these circular scratches appearing on games. It must be extremely frustrating for people who're getting this problem for Microsoft to turn round and say it's their fault. Surely they gonna have to admit blame eventually.

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The game freezing problem being fixed is good to see. That got annoying. For this co-op archivement, all we'll have to do is complete the ones that weren't completed in co-op to get it, or will they make us do everything over again? <_<

I think I only have the first mission to do in co-op.

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just watched the watchdog video, ive had my xbox eilte for about 1-2 years now, and by looks to me it seems the newer consoles are the ones marking up the games, and the older ones could red ring, makes you wonder why we all bothered getting one in first place, such a shame that theres just some awesome games on it

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Alrighty EWB, now that I've finished Fallout 3 and am waiting for them to fix the DLC, what game should Zero play next:


Blue Dragon

Condemned: Criminal Origins

Halo 3

Half Life 2

finish GTA4

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