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The Old XBOX Megathread


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Dear Eddie Ruckus,

It has come to my attention that you have changed your gamertag, AGAIN. I don't care that this verbal toungue lashing might trigger another episode for you, it needs to be said.

SCUSSY6PARTYZ is the most fucking horrid gamertag in the history of mankind.


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I know it's one of the worst tags someone could come up with, and the only ones who will appreciate it are my friends here back at home.

I'll change it again sometime, but for a while I want to have fun with this horrid gamertag. When I change it, it will be the last time, and will be changed back to Eddie Ruckus.

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This is what I was saying to your brother and Kaney last night though, The Wire has screwed us over with it's late start time. We'd be starting, at the very earliest, at 0.20am. You guys tend to leave at about 1am so not much to go on there. We'd have to start early or play when people can stay up.

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