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The Old XBOX Megathread


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Maxx was being an asshole on L4D? It makes a change from me shouting at Maxx all the time >_>

Maxx didn't even play, because the 3 dinks (Toe, Ruki and Ellis) neglected to mention that the 4th guy on their team was a board member. So upon several failed attempts to boot him, I left.

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Sorry Maxx but you're retarded. You were all 'I cannot play, I am working' so we said fine and got someone else. Then suddenly you come online and kick off about us not letting you in, you said you weren't playing so it's not our problem.

Oh and of course you are conviniently ignoring the part where I brought up on MSN that we should play with haloheadfire and then proceded to explain to all those in the chat who he was.

Edited by Faggot Kike Spic Mick Nip
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Grrr got my Assault ACE to 18 thinking that unlocking the AK-47 would give me the all weapons achievement, but no, apparently the fucking shield is a weapon. And this rappel achievement is a bitch too, I've just killed 11 people in one level whilst rappelling, 8 the time before that and a few (at least 3 or 4) yesterday, there is no way that I haven't killed 3-4 people whilst suspended from a rope before now.

And if you have to do 25 enemies in one go, that's ridiculous because there's nowhere in the game that you can kill 25 enemies whilst suspended from a rope. I'll give Calypso one more go and if I get more than 5 or 6 kills without this achievement I will not be happy.

Edit: Got it, I must've been on 24...

Edited by Footjob Fever
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Sorry Maxx but you're retarded. You were all 'I cannot play, I am working' so we said fine and got someone else. Then suddenly you come online and kick off about us not letting you in, you said you weren't playing so it's not our problem.

Oh and of course you are conviniently ignoring the part where I brought up on MSN that we should play with haloheadfire and then proceded to explain to all those in the chat who he was.

And you apparently missed the entire section of our conversation that revolved around me saying that I would play, but I might be interrupted, to which Toe and Ruki both okay. Do you not recall me saying I'd be on at 10:30? Don't make it out like I came on out of no where.

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I reckon on Ao2 we should try the DLC missions before we try and slog through the whole of the campaign. We should also see if there is anyone left online playing it to see if we can get that 'finish a ranked match' achieve.

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