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The Old XBOX Megathread


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So, I have a free game rental... what do I rent? I'm not a huge fan of First Person Shooters, but beyond that I'm open to just about anything.

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My 360 died today. I had it for under 2 years and didn't play it for stretches of 4-6 months at a time and then only played a decent amount for maybe a month around Christmas or my birthday before alternating back to my PS2. If I had to guess, I probably put in 10x more play time on my original PS2 before it stopped reading dark colored discs and had to buy a slim PS2 (which I have played on at least 3x as much as the 360) and still works without a problem. On the plus side, I did just get to finish Mass Effect 2 yesterday although I don't know if my saves will still be there after I send the console in for repairs.

Has anyone had to send their unit back to Microsoft? If so, is your HDD still in tact or will I lose whatever DLC, saves, etc I had on there?

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Well, your first mistake was sending it with the HDD. They tell you to take it off before sending. I doubt they'll mess with it, however.

I haven't sent it yet. I'm waiting until Wednesday to go to the post office, but I appreciate the heads up.

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Video games with new, complex battle systems should give you a tutorial before throwing you into it.

That said, the Resonance of Fate battle system is a challenge (the first boss fight was hard :( ), but fun.

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First payday next week, which means I need to buy video games. I'm definitely going to buy back Left 4 Dead 2, because god damn I regret selling it, and you can pick it up for around £22 now, which is nice. Also going to pick up Gears of War 1&2. Then I'm not sure, Bayonetta's going for £20 now, as is Assassin's Creed II and Dragon Age: Origins. I also kinda want to get a sport game, but I'm not sure what. I'm not exactly big on sports in the slightest, I just want something that's fun to play online. NHL looks good, but what else is there? Preferably something online without a massive learning curve? Are there any MMORPGs on the 360 yet?

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