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The Old XBOX Megathread


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Microsoft is essentially doing away with Xbox Entertainment Studios.


Given market trends and such it's not all that surprising they decided to pull the plug. They were always going to be a day late and a dollar short when compared to other companies much more focused and dedicated to providing content. Going back to just being a games console is wise. They definitely underestimated how hard it would be to break into the field, and how fast the world of content is changing around them.

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Microsoft in general has a new business strategy that saw a fuckload of workers laid off recently, as they're trying to streamline their management process and catch up in the areas where they've fallen behind to Google, Apple and Amazon.

It's going to be interesting to see if anything else happens to the XBox division the way things are going.

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Microsoft in general has a new business strategy that saw a fuckload of workers laid off recently, as they're trying to streamline their management process and catch up in the areas where they've fallen behind to Google, Apple and Amazon.

It's going to be interesting to see if anything else happens to the XBox division the way things are going.

Everything I've read shows that Xbox is their baby. With the new CEO in place, all talk of selling off the Xbox division has fallen off the map.

Not that the Xbox branch is the moneymaker, mind you. Windows is still the cash cow and will be for a long, long time to come, but MS knows that they are to gaming what Google is to operating systems, though MS is much closer to being dominant in gaming than Google is to running everyone's computers.

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Yeah I think the XBox itself is fine, just that the refocus is on the gaming part of it as opposed to creating an all-in-one entertainment hub. Again they were blindsided how quickly everything else around them was moving along. They were never going to get ahead as a content provider and they're probably never going to get ahead as an all-in-one home entertainment company. Stick with what works and plop on 3rd party licenses when it is needed, I guarantee you they make more money this way.

What's curious to me is how much of a focus they place on their smartphones and, in particular, giving advantages to people who have Windows Phones and also Xbox Ones. It's clear smartphones are the ultimate driving force in this day and age, and Microsoft does reasonably well in that department, so I'm interested to see if they use that to augment their gaming division.

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Always wanted to try one of the Destroy All Humans games but never picked one up during the PS2 era and for PS3/360 it's one of those older games that holds it's value that I'm too cheap to pick up. Now I see it's part of a THQ sale this week for £2.39! Sweet.

EDIT: Wow, a whopping 34 on Metacritic. :shifty:

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BBT is one of those games I would buy on multiple systems just so I could play alongside friends. The dialogue alone has been far more entertaining than most movies I've spent $14.99 on.

Warning: Chapter Six is where things hit the wall.

As in you.

You will hit the wall mentally.

And physically.


Boy, you were not kidding. I've just finished the first level of Chapter 7 after going through Chapter 6, and I think I'm just gonna leave it for the evening.

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I managed to beat the game in Solo mode. But after the last few levels led to me spewing obscenities at the screen far too often, I don't think I'll attempt Insane mode.

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I managed to beat the game in Solo mode. But after the last few levels led to me spewing obscenities at the screen far too often, I don't think I'll attempt Insane mode.

I'm running co-op with a friend and we've just encountered Chapter 7 on Normal, which is *@%$-inducing enough. Still so fun, though.

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The Games with Gold have been announced for August.

Crimson Dragon and Strike Suit Zero will be the Xbox One titles from August 1st, replacing Guacamelee and Max: The Curse of Brotherhood, while for 360 we've got Motorcross Madness from the 1st until the 15th, when it will give way for Dishonored.

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Just got a message from Xbox Live, as in a message you have to actually read on the 360 itself, telling me I've been given a code for the first episode of the second season of The Walking Dead game. So, may be worth keeping an eye on your messages? Dunno how it selects people, I've bought the first season and DLC but haven't got round to playing it, haven't bought any of the 2nd thus far. One might assume they're giving them to people in this sort of situation to entice them into the 2nd season but who knows?

Also, people should play Airmech Arena. It's like an RTS/MOBA/Twin Stick Shooter thing. Pretty cool.

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Is there anywhere that lists the upcoming sales or when something is likely to be on sale again, I want to get the Skyrim DLC's but I'm not paying £17 for DLCs on a game I paid £18 for.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's pretty decent, so long as you can put up with him being a bit of a whiner throughout.

Though, you can get it for pretty much the same price on disc if that makes a difference.

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I contemplated getting it, but since I already have a ton of games I haven't played, I decided against it. That and the fact I got both Bully and Undead Nightmare.

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Septembers games:

Xbox One:

Super Time Force

Crimson Dragon

Xbox 360:

1st-16th: Monaco

17th-30th: Halo Reach

Shame they're pulling that trick again of only putting one new game out for the One and, personally, I already have Reach and EWB multiplayer has died on it's arse over the past year so probably wont be able to make best use of Monaco.

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I keep hearing good things about Monaco, so I'm glad I can get it for free, and I don't think i ever finished reach. Good month for me with the free games really.

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