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The Old Sony Megathread


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Geohot has denied involvement - though I don't think anyone ever really suspected him anyway - and says that shit like this "isn't cool" and gives hackers a bad name.

He also said that it plays right into Sony's hands, as it supports their blanket accusations of hackers as "bad", and gives them ample excuse to remove features geared towards user customisation.

While I don't think geohot was suggesting anything of the sort, how long before some conspiracy junkie jumps on that idea and suggests that Sony set this up all along for just that reason?

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People shouldn't complain about their personal information being unsafe on a free service.

So, no one realized I was making fun of all of the "You shouldn't expect/complain about ____________ on a free service" stuff from earlier?

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shit like this "isn't cool" and gives hackers a bad name.

So what kinda hacking is "cool" and gives hackers a good name?

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shit like this "isn't cool" and gives hackers a bad name.

So what kinda hacking is "cool" and gives hackers a good name?

The ones that are able to unveil what a bad guy has been up to? Like when he tried to blow up that one building?

But, I guess saving lives isn't cool...

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I attempted to wade through the past 5/6 pages I missed, but just couldn't after about 3.

So instead: I've completed Uncharted for the first time which I'm borrowing from a friend. I was about to start Uncharted 2 today after work, but instead Portal 2 came. So yay. Games.

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shit like this "isn't cool" and gives hackers a bad name.

So what kinda hacking is "cool" and gives hackers a good name?

You can argue about the morality of hacking, but I'd consider white hat hacking to give hackers a "good name". A majority of white hat hackers wind up getting hired on as security experts for the companies they target, and their intent isn't malicious - it's just to prove how vulnerable the security is for a given company.

And, shit, even something like jailbreaking an iPhone is technically hacking. Hacking isn't necessarily as dirty a thing as it's made out to be.

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I don't think it's an issue of "good" vs. "bad" hacking, more just negative response vs. relative indifference. I don't think the majority of people are too fussed about people jailbreaking iPhones, modding consoles, or cracking software - but they're pretty universally opposed to identity theft.

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I don't think it's an issue of "good" vs. "bad" hacking, more just negative response vs. relative indifference. I don't think the majority of people are too fussed about people jailbreaking iPhones, modding consoles, or cracking software - but they're pretty universally opposed to identity theft.

Tell that to Apple, Sony, Microsoft, and every computer software development company.

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Well yes but the supreme court did rule that jailbreaking phones isn't illegal

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I don't think it's an issue of "good" vs. "bad" hacking, more just negative response vs. relative indifference. I don't think the majority of people are too fussed about people jailbreaking iPhones, modding consoles, or cracking software - but they're pretty universally opposed to identity theft.

Tell that to Apple, Sony, Microsoft, and every computer software development company.

Yes, you're right, they are the majority of people.

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I don't think it's an issue of "good" vs. "bad" hacking, more just negative response vs. relative indifference. I don't think the majority of people are too fussed about people jailbreaking iPhones, modding consoles, or cracking software - but they're pretty universally opposed to identity theft.

Tell that to Apple, Sony, Microsoft, and every computer software development company.

Yes, you're right, they are the majority of people.

They're the ones with the money, and they're the ones suing people, so they might as well be.

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Matzat - always looking at the bigger picture. Millions of people might have had their bank details stolen, we might be looking at one of the crimes of the century, but what's really important is that he can't use Linux on his video game console.

It's accepted knowledge that GeoHot and the hacking of the PS3 in the first place was a response to removing the ability to run Linux, in turn, this was a response to what Sony did to GeoHot.

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Matzat - always looking at the bigger picture. Millions of people might have had their bank details stolen, we might be looking at one of the crimes of the century, but what's really important is that he can't use Linux on his video game console.

It's accepted knowledge that GeoHot and the hacking of the PS3 in the first place was a response to removing the ability to run Linux, in turn, this was a response to what Sony did to GeoHot.

...okay, and what about it? Are you implying it's Sonys fault for doing what pretty much any company would do in its situation?

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