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Beijing Olympics 2008

Guest Mr. Potato Head

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Okay, so I just watched this walking, and I can't even believe this is an Olympic event. Not sure what the rules on spoilers are, but I will spoiler just in case.

That was lame as fuck, but I guess I will give them some credit, because walking for that distance does have to be tough. I was hoping for the dude who finished in second (the guy who won gold in 1996, ATLANTA!!!) to end up winning it, but I guess that Russian guy was just too good.

Might I say that I fucking love the summer Olympics? I am actually contemplating going to the 2012 games in London as I will be 21 and on summer vacation from college. This shit is fucking awesome. Never really followed the Olympics, but being 17 now, I was kind of excited for it, and it hasn't disappointed yet. While some of these events may be cheesy as hell, its still something special to watch.

The Russian guy is a known drug cheat (got banned for a year about three years ago) and his coach had 3 other athletes banned from this Olympics for drug cheating, so you never know what his tests might show. The Aussie guy who came third was questioning why he was allowed to compete. IMO, drug cheats should be banned for life as there'll always be a question over whether they're still taking or not.
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I do love how much Team GB is owning, especially the cycling. Right now, we're on course to jump to 3rd/4th in the medal tables, mainly thanks to the cycling (we're guaranteed a Gold & Silver tomorrow, because it's GB vs. GB in the Womens Pursuit, and we still are guaranteed at least silver with Ben Ainslie & the Yngling sailors...that's not counting more cycling which we should own in.)

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The walking, while ridiculous, is actually a hard event because they walk at a speed which is easier to jog at. Imagine being on a treadmill at a jogging speed, but having to walk it instead.

You use more muscles and more energy to walk it, than you do to jog it.

But they still look ridiculous.

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It must be quite deflating winning silver in a lot of these "one-on-one" events like tennis or the cycling races...

You've lost the match/race and yet still are silver medallists in the Olympics, while the people/person winning the bronze has the joy of winning their match/race.

Must be very weird.

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The cycling was so cool today. I was out all day at some festival but I was following the BBC feed on my phone and loving pretty much EVERY update.

Wiggins and Hoy especially are utter giants among men and frankly unbeatable.

The bronze in the points race was a nice bonus too.

We should still get gold in:

Men's Team Pursuit

Women's Sprint (Pendleton)

Women's Individual Pursuit (already guaranteed gold and silver)

Men's Sprint (Hoy)

Men's Madison

That makes 8 golds out of the 10 events. Our man didn't win the points race (he got bronze) but that's a bit of a gamble anyway. Rebecca Romero (who's brilliant) goes in the women's points race but again there are too many variables to be certain of victory. So we could take 9/10 golds.

Just a shame there's no women's sprint (there SHOULD be) cos we dominate in that throughout the season too.

Oh and also the women's BMX is pretty much nailed on as Shanaze Reade has been pooing on everyone this season.

I think that puts British track cycling as even more dominant than Korean archers.

We've currently got six track medals, as many as everyone else put together, and 3 of the 4 golds. We've also got the women's pursuit guaranteed gold and silver. Nice.

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Events that involve running around the track more than once are just boring. At most I can watch a 400m run or hurdles. But as soon as it gets to 800m I'm bored. I was at the dentist yesterday and they had the 10k run on, 16 laps - fucking boring as sin.

Maybe it's just me but in my eyes. People sprinting = good. People jogging a lot = bad.

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100m Final

Depends. Powell was nowhere to be found really. Dix came 3rd and I think the Netherlands Antilles runner came 4th. I'd have liked to have seen him take the 3rd, just to get his country a medal.

I knew I should have put Dix in there. I wasn't sold on Powell because he's been a bit injured and doesn't ever get it done on the big stage. But at the end of the day, it was all about Usain Bolt. The rest of the race was irrelevant.

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I'm pissed at NBC because you could have cut away for a minute to show the race but nope...now I have to wait till tonight plus...

The fact that Bolt was celebrating for 10 strides and broke the record is fucking crazy

EDIT: I just need to add that I think if Justin Gatlin hadn't took those roids we might have had a race but from reading what happen I doubt it

Edited by justblaze09
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Been following odds and sods of the Games at work during breaks. Gymnastics is fucking boring. Why don't they show Fencing and Wrestling, damnit? Although wrestling would be kinda predictable; Russia win, Russia win, Russia win... ¬_¬ Edit: Shit, Baroev lost? :o Swerve. Didn't see that one coming.

Cycling isn't really my sport, but us completely owning something is always good. Rowing on the other hand, I'm pretty impressed by how well we've done.

Edited by Farmer Reil
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