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World Cup 2010 Thread

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When the tournament started, my dad was talking about the favourites to win and I said "Japan!" as a joke. He thought I was serious. From that point on, Japan has been my team of choice for this World Cup. Tomorrow, my team squares off against the damn dirty Dutch team. Let's go Japan!

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This world cup is just wide open for me. Nobody I expected to do well is doing well, except maybe Argentina (but that was a bit touch and go as to whether they would do well or not).

During half time in the England game the pundits spoke of confidence. I think a good way to give English players more confidence would be for the media to lower their expectations. It just seems always that the media expects England to win the World Cup because England did once. That would be like expecting Celtic to win the Champions League because they did once win the European Cup several decades ago.

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Yahoo Sports is reporting that there is talk that the referee from the US/Slovenia might be out of the World Cup.

Also, is it true that FIFA does not require officials to actually say why they made a certain call? Peter King from SI is reporting it. He has a great enough reputation that I don't think he would make something like that up.

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Yahoo Sports is reporting that there is talk that the referee from the US/Slovenia might be out of the World Cup.

Also, is it true that FIFA does not require officials to actually say why they made a certain call? Peter King from SI is reporting it. He has a great enough reputation that I don't think he would make something like that up.

I didn't think they publicly have to say anything, however I think when they book or send off someone they have to give a reason why, like 'dissent' or 'professional foul', etc when they note it in their book.

Other than that, unless they are questioned by FIFA or someone similar, I don't think they do.

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What's everyone's opinion of Rooney's little tirade to the camera at the end of the match?

For those that missed it, he shouted something along the lines of 'Your own fans booing you, what great support that is!'

Personally, I think he should keep his mouth shut, especially after that performance.

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What's everyone's opinion of Rooney's little tirade to the camera at the end of the match?

For those that missed it, he shouted something along the lines of 'Your own fans booing you, what great support that is!'

Personally, I think he should keep his mouth shut, especially after that performance.

Either way, the last thing England need right now is to have the fans turn on them. It's not going to help anything.

Rooney was way too hyped coming into this tournament and as always there was way too many expectations on him. He's once again going through one of his 'cant score' periods, where he cant score for shit for a run of games and needs that one goal to finally get back into the groove of things.

Pretty worrying to be honest. Surely Capello has to just go for it in the final match. And to think I actually truly felt they could win this World Cup :/

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We almost don't deserve to make it through the group stages. We've been pretty awful so far. But I would love for England to now find their stride. We have the players to do it, but we're just not working as a team. There's no 'spark' there. I think England could do with changing a few things up. Our best indivudal eleven doesn't exactly mean they will be our best team.

Edited by Split Second
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What's everyone's opinion of Rooney's little tirade to the camera at the end of the match?

For those that missed it, he shouted something along the lines of 'Your own fans booing you, what great support that is!'

Personally, I think he should keep his mouth shut, especially after that performance.

If it came from a player who had looked like he'd given a damn for the last 180 minutes, then maybe. Given it has come from Rooney, who has done the sum total of nothing, I'll not really take any interest.

I wouldn't boo them, I don't care for booing my own team or players. But I'd certainly show some form of discontent by way of vuvuzela.

EDIT: Being booed should be the least of the teams worries.

Edited by IAceI
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70 minutes before kick off, looks like Holland will start with the same 11 as the Denmark game.

Not happy, much rather Van Marwijk would start with Elia instead of VD Vaart.

Bring it on Hammy. :pervert:

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We drew our first 2 games at Italia '90 and we did alright then, so not all hope is lost.

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England need to realise it's not a right to play for their country. You know the best thing about Uruguay so far? The whole team sings the national anthem. From the North Korean player who cried, there's a certain sense of pride of being selected for your country. England seem to all have the attitude of Assou-Ekotto: 'I play for the money. Football's not my passion.'

I disagree with the booing, since whilst it was a dismal performance, we need to get behind the England team. What Dara O'Brain said on Mock The Week was spot on - England fans are like pushy parents on X-Factor. We tell them they're just as good as Spain or Brazil, push them out to play, and when they aren't, we say "Oh, they were shit!" The papers were making Algeria out to be a team of semi-professional camel hearders. They qualified for the World Cup, and despite having poor form, beat Egypt to do so - not a bad side.

The media need to realise that just saying England are brilliant doesn't mean it's true.

The media need to step back and think "Hey, you know what? Rooney didn't play well, but you know what? Next time... get forward more, put passion into it, and you'll be better." I can understand the fans booing, as some of them probably spent life-savings and retirement funds to travel to South Africa to see their country. At school, a teacher saying to you "Your work was shit" - did that ever make you think "Hey, I will be better next time!" Probably not, it just left you feeling like a thick piece of shit.

No man, not even the captain should instantly be on the team sheet. What's the incentive for Rooney playing well? Even if he's shit, he'll be there next week. I'd rather see a team of "misfits" like Scott Parker, Tom Huddlestone, Carlton Cole go out and put 100% in and fail trying than see Gerrard, Lampard and Rooney giving 10%.

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Could someone who knows a little more about points in Football than me help me out here?

Can Australia afford anything less than a win tonight?

Did the Germans loss to Serbia help us or hurt us?

I wasn't going to watch but Germany losing to Serbia has me intrigued.

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Could someone who knows a little more about points in Football than me help me out here?

Can Australia afford anything less than a win tonight?

Did the Germans loss to Serbia help us or hurt us?

I wasn't going to watch but Germany losing to Serbia has me intrigued.

You lose and you can't qualify for the next stage.

It helped, if Germany had won, they would have had 6 pts and would already be through, as it is now, you have 3 teams on 3pts and Australia on 0pts. If Australia win both their remaining games and Germany/Ghana draw on the 23rd June, you'll win the group.

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