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The Barclays Premier League thread 2015/2016


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6 hours ago, Rocky Horror Szumi Show said:

My friend said the initial report is that the ankle is not broken, but obviously no clue on the ligaments or anything like that. I haven't seen anything myself though.

Said they suspect an ankle strain. What type of ankle strain determines whether he's out two weeks or two months, I suppose. Funes Mori can fuck off with his gloating about it too. Prick.

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Funes Mori's reaction after being sent off was ridiculous, yes. But it wasn't an intentionally maliciois challenge, and I think he just carried away with the fact it was the derby. I don't want to sound like Martinez but he's right, Funes Mori clearly thinks he knows what this derby is all about when he blatantly doesn't yet.

Even if it was against Bournemouth, or Watford or whoever, you should mever react like that when you've been sent off, especislly when it was absolutely the right call. Very disappointed in him but I believe he's a good kid and I don't want it to tarnish the very good debut season he's had.

Also I hope Origi is alright too, definitely. He's been in great form of late too.

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5 minutes ago, Adam said:

How does that work exactly? If the new evidence has exonerated him, what grounds are there for a re-trial?

I only know media law so it all confuses me somewhat.

The new evidence hasn't exonerated him but has brought in reasonable doubt which is why they've quashed his conviction. He'll be re-tried which will allow a jury to make a new decision based on all the evidence.

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1 hour ago, Work Experience Jack said:

Good luck getting a jury that doesn't already have an opinion about him one way or another.

I mean, I like football, but I barely know anything about him beyond he may or may not have committed that crime. I can't imagine it would be hard at all, plenty of people don't follow football. There's about ten people in my office and I'd be surprised if one of them outside me even knew the name.

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Talking of stadiums, Stoke's Brittania will be known as the bet365 Stadium from August. They'll also be filling in the corners, so RIP windy nights up there!

Now for West Brom to get a lovely and hilarious result, please.

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