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The Old XBOX Megathread


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Just a notice to everyone who tried to invite me to Modern Warfare 2 games these past months without a reply - I have the game again, and it's pretty much the only thing non-arcade that I have other than what I'd have rented out from Blockbuster so I am totally up for playing it again, any time.

None of the map packs right now - though in my experience EWB tends to shy away from that kind of stuff anyways.

If you want to do some of the co-op missions sometime, I'd be down.

Oh hells to the yes. Next time you see me online just mulling around or on MSN just let me knowknow that you're down and we'll do some of them.

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Street Fighter versus Tekken, anyone?

Earlier on in the week we reported a rumour that stated that Capcom and Namco were in talks to create two Street Fighter vs. Tekken cross-franchise fighting games; one on each of the game engines, created by their respective development studios.

At a panel earlier on at this year's San Diego Comic-Con, Street Fighter's Yoshinori Ono and Tekken's Katsuhiro Harada took the stage and confirmed that the rumours are true, well, everything except the names.

There will, as rumoured, be two separate fighting games; one built on the Street Fighter engine and another on the Tekken engine. The rumour stated that the games would be called Capcom vs. Namco and vice versa, which was slightly off, as the games are called Tekken X Street Fighter and Street Fighter X Tekken, utilising only characters from those two franchises.

Capcom were first out the blocks with their press release of the game dropping moments ago, stating that the likes of Kazuya Mishima and Nina Williams will be joining the fold, that it will be using the SSFIV engine, and will even include "Tag Team combat where players select two fighters to deliver knockout assist attacks and special combos."

Namco are a little slower out the blocks with their press release still nowhere in sight, but expect Street Fighter characters to grace the 3D plains of the long established series.

Both games will drop sometime after the release of Marvel vs. Capcom 3 next spring.


I haven't played either game in a long time, but this could be really awesome.

... and on this day, Benji wept, for there were no worlds left to conquer :crying:

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Myself, Kraig, Eddie and Maxx kicked the ass of 4 people on versus mode. One of them quit out like a pussy though so they robbed me of the relevant achievement.

We also got our asses handed to us on realism.

Also, when I see that picture of Ryu, all I see is:


You must defeat Sasha to stand a chance.

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The full Limbo game is wonderful. I also picked up Braid, because I like being 2 years late on stuff. I will fall in love with it later on.

But Limbo is just... Awh man, it's just glorious. I think the only game that's ever put this much of a smile on my face is Portal. Yeah, it seems a little on the short side, but I'd definitely say it's worth the 1200 purely for how unique and beautiful it is. That, and the spiders are fucking terrifying to the nth degree. Awh man, I love this game. :wub:

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Braid is lovely and the "puzzles" or "missions", whatever, are awesome.

Edit: Oh for fuck sakes I caved in and bought Limbo anyway. Had to get 1200 points first, so I used gamecards.eu, which turned out to be a bitch because I used a creditcard and then later for maximum security I had to give up my time zone and at what time I would like to be called! :shifty: I was eventually called by a guy with a weird Russian accent. Weird shit.

Edited by The Quasi Juice
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Looking to pick up a 360 whilst I've still got cash to spare, I ask ye people - will the 4gb 360 be worth it? I doubt I'll download many demos or pick up much new content stuff. I'd mostly be using the 360 for games like Mass Effect and eventually I might pick up a Live Membership and L4D.

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We killed zombies, we killed each other, good times were had by all. Except Fitzy who I gored from the 2nd/3rd floor of a building down to the ground. It was wonderful.

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