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The Old XBOX Megathread


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So...I just realized that the Video Game Rush Of 2011 is starting soon.

Aug 16th is No More Heroes (PS3)

Sept 6th is Dead Island and Disgaea 4 (but apparently it might be coming out on the 17th? Stupid website).

Sept 13th is NHL 12.

I'll likely be getting Catherine for my birthday (Sept 9th).

Sept 20th is Gears of War 3.

Oct 4th is Dark Souls.

Oct 25th is Battlefield 3.

Nov 1 is Metal Gear Solid Rising

Nov 8th is Modern Warfare 3.

Nov 11th is Skyrim!!!!!

Nov 15th is Saints Row 3 (seriously? 3 new games in one week? :/)

Then, not too late into next year the next FF game and Mass Effect 3 >_<

....what the hell? Fallout 4 and GTA 5 is showing up as coming out this year? Unlikely.

The only ones I will likely be skipping for a little while is GoW, NMH, Battlefield.

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Haven't played From Dust myself, but the gents at GiantBomb.com have a video up showing one of them playing the first bit of the 360 version, and they talk about the controls/mechanics and other stuff like that. Their consensus seems to be that the console version plays well enough, and that it's not as much of an "I wish I was using a mouse and keyboard" as you might think based on the type of game it is. If you're curious enough about it, here's a link to the video:

From Dust - Quick Look

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Ms. Splosion Man has made me reconsider my stance on religion. Surely a game this evil could only be forged in the fiery pits of hell, developed by Adolf Hitler, that thing that possessed Linda Blair in The Exorcist, and that guy that runs Activision.

Jesus fucking Christ, why do I even attempt to play something so goddamn fucking infuriating? And how does it manage to zap any patience I may have once had?

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Yeah you have to ring up customer service and cancel it. And in my experience you get put through to an Irish fellow who tries to talk you out of it, Jason Manford style.

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Jason Manford? I can think of a more suitable sales pitch.

"Will you not have another year?"


"Ah, go on!"


"Go on!"


"Go on!"


"Go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on!"

"FINE! :angry:"

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So after playing the Homefront demo a bit Im trying to decide between getting the full game or Bad Company 2, more because Im going to be on vacation next week and would like something other than the horrible servers of AC Brotherhood to play. Anybody played both and have a preference?

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