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The Old XBOX Megathread


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As revealed today on Major Nelson's blog, the first bit of campaign DLC for Gears of War 3 is titled "RAAM's Shadow" (after the final boss in Gears of War).

Major Nelson teases a few details:

Starring a cast of characters both new and eerily familiar to the series, “RAAM’s Shadow” will deliver more than three hours of gameplay set in a storyline that precedes the events of the first “Gears of War,” as well as six new multiplayer characters, the Chocolate Weapon Set and an additional 250 Gamerscore.

Epic gives some further details into exactly what "precedes the events of the first Gears of War" means:

RAAM’s Shadow pits players in post-Emergence Day Sera "as Zeta Squad is enlisted to evacuate Ilima City and protect the citizens against a Locust Kryll storm," taking on the titular General RAAM, as well as playing as him yourself.

The inimitable Cliff Bleszinski hypes the "prequel" focus even more:

RAAM’s imposing size and strength, along with his Kryll shield, make him one of the most powerful and daunting foes in the ‘Gears’ universe. We think fans are going to have a blast unleashing hell upon the poor humans for the first time in a campaign setting.

More campaign? New multiplayer characters? New Weapon Set? More Gamerscore? PLAYING AS RAAM? Sign me up!

Gears of War 3's “RAAM’s Shadow” will hit the marketplace on December 13th and will cost 1200 MSP. The Season Pass for Gears 3 is still available for 2400 MSP and will include the first four pieces of DLC (this and the "Horde Command Pack" have already been announced) for the game.

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