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The Old XBOX Megathread


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From my experience, they generally don't do a whole lot. Whether we just sold a particularly ineffective brand, I'm not sure, but we had a fair few people trying to return them because they didn't work. One or two said it saved their console, but yeah, on the whole, not great.

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After playing the Battlefield 4 beta quite a bit I have to wonder whether it's actually worth getting Battlefield 4 or if it might be better getting the Battlefield 3 Premium edition. I do really like the giant building being able to be taken down to change the middle of the map from the high ground to the lowest point, but I'm not sure if there's anything really exclusive to 4 that I'd miss in 3. Anyone have or had Battlefield 3 have any feedback?

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I had a hands-on with the Xbox One last week, Forza is gorgeous, and the haptic feedback on the triggers is just incredible. Really enjoyed it. Couldn't get much from Killer Instinct being unfamiliar with the characters and moves, but it certainly looks the part, and even newbies can get into long combos pretty easily. Also saw lots of game play trailers, Ryse seems far less button-bashy/QTE-intense than the E3 showing suggested.

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So, it's weird, but the fact that I can have the same Xbox Live account on a 360 and on the One, has kind of swayed me toward getting a One instead of a PS4.

Granted, I won't be getting one in the next six months or so, so I'll actually be able to try each out, to know what one for sure I want. But not having to pay extra to have Live on both machines is a huge plus.

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