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The Old XBOX Megathread


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You can't be worse than Ellis.

Tonight's game is testament to the fact that yes, I can.

Edit: I got the highest percent headshots though, so yeah... clearly I'm awesome in that respect.

Edited by Footjob Fever
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Surely worse... no wait, I have to replay any message Kaney sends me at least 5 times.

At least the people who play with me regularly can understand me, as opposed to anytime we play RSV where it's just me, Dragsy...and an infrequent high-pitched squeek.

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Ugh L4D versus mode makes no sense to me, I mean, I may be shit at campaign but at least I know what I'm (supposed to be) doing... fuck knows what I'm meant to do in versus mode, it confuses me :(

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925 and Footjob need to be slapped upside their heads for going offline just as I finish up GTA and get ready to join them on L4D.

Edited by Kaney Again!
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I was bullied into versus mode... I don't understand it. What happened to Halo anyway? He disappeared. And Kaney, we waited for you for ages and then you never came... and 9to5 cried a bit... YOU MADE HIM CRY DAMN YOU! .... :shifty:

On a more serious note, I'd be willing to do some Campaign L4D later but none of that versus shit. Playing RSV2 now though.

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I'll make your fucking face cry :@

I told 925 I was in a mission in GTA and it kept fucking branching, so I couldn't save for ages. I then sent him a message saying Ellis and I can play and you guys promptly went offline. We're going to have to kick you guys asses later now.

I mean, Ellis is pretty bad as well, as bad as Snuk but who cares, he can't retort to this anyway :shifty:

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Ugh anyone wanna play something. I can't get a good game on RSV2, I can't find anyone with a half decent connection playing on realistic difficulty who isn't just sitting in the lobby and not doing anything for no apparent reason.

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