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The Old Sony Megathread


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Ah, Grandia! I remember getting hopelessly addicted to it on a PS demo disc when I was a young kid, only to become heartbroken when the demo finally ended and I couldn't find the game anywhere. Get it!

High five, because me too.

II and III are pretty good though. I've got III for the PS2 and I loved it.

Grandia has the reputation of being a bad Dreamcast port, the second one is suposed to work a lot better on PS.

I assume you mean Saturn, because I'm pretty sure the original Grandia wasn't released on the Dreamcast. Grandia II was, though.

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So I got an email telling me the Gotham City Imposters beta was open to download now. Has anyone bothered trying it yet? I'm still not entirely certain what it's supposed to be, having not really read up on it, but I think its like a Batman themed TF2?

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We got a Vita (two actually) in store last week. It's bloody amazing. The screen is just gorgeous, it's light and comfy to hold. I thought the sticks were a bit fiddly and the face buttons a tad small to begin with, but having gotten used to them a bit, they're fine. I could imagine being able to play it a lot longer than the original PSP as well (battery life notwithstanding). The PSP used to make my thumb ache when I used the stick for very long.

Wipeout blew my mind, it's beautiful and handles like a dream. Uncharted looks pretty impressive too, but I've not had much of a chance to play that yet. Most of the games I've tried have touch-driven menus, but it's been pretty easy to get used to. Haven't had much chance to use the rear touchpad yet (disappointingly, it's not textured like I'd assumed from photos), but the touch controls on FIFA and Uncharted are very clever.

I cannot wait till the 22nd.

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When I worked at EB Games, the boss was raving about having played one at a trade show that he went to and it DOES look interesting but I have always been let down by handheld gaming for the most part, and my Sony account is entirely under the control of other people and no amount of me trying to get it locked down has manged to help at all, sadly - so there goes the idea of using all the Classics and stuff that I had bought already.

Eh, I'll probably just let it be and stick with the 360. I don't get as much time as I used to have to game these days, so I might as well just stick it out with that and my R4'd DS.

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I'm popping into Game tomorrow for FFXIII-2, and they told me I could demo their in store one. Any other games you can suggest I check out?

Little Deviants, if only to get an idea for how the rear touchscreen works. FIFA's not bad either, and....I can't remember what else is on there since I pretty much just show off Wipeout and Uncharted >_>

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