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The Old Sony Megathread


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Already beat SR3 on 360 so probably wont be replaying it unless I get a huge urge ahead of 4 but I don't want to risk burnout ahead of both 4 and GTA 5.

Might be up for some shootings on either BF3 or Payday though.

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I more than likely will unless it's eleventy bajillion GB's.

And I assume I will suck at it like CoD, rather than be mildly competent like Halo.

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Personally, I didn't like SR3 as much as 2 but if it's your first one then you shouldn't have such issues. As cliche as it is to say, it's like GTA but just way, way over the top with all manner of crazy missions, side quests, weapons etc etc. Plus, online story co-op.

Payday I don't know too much about. I think it drew comparisons to Left 4 Dead since it has similiar co-opy FPS gameplay where you're part of a group of 4 people but you're out to rob banks rather than kill zombies.

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I couldn't get through it myself, the gameplay bored me to tears. I experienced it through Mrs. TKz playing it. I mean, the story was pretty good, but holy shit, that's not a game I could "play" myself for however many hours it was. For comparsion, I got bored of Uncharted 3 for holding my hand too much and not giving me enough control over my character. So you can imagine how much this bothered me.

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It can and it can't, it's pretty pissy when it comes to .mkv

I've had success before streaming the files, or you could try putting it on a USB, selecting the USB with triangle and saying "show all" or whatever it is. Sometimes those two work. Other times it'll refuse to work entirely.

If you're watching a film you'll probably want to disconnect from the internet entirely, otherwise it'll do a cinivia check for pirated files and cut your audio out midway through the film. I think a lot of it has to do with how the files is encoded and so on. For example, I've never had problems watching Game of Thrones in 720p... but there's plenty of films that I haven't been able to watch for different reasons.

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