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World Cup 2010 Thread

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A couple were getting a divorce and their son was asked whether he'd like to stay with his mum or his dad. He told the judge that his mum beats him daily, and so he didn't want to live with her. The judge asked 'What about your dad?'. 'He beats me too' answered the son. 'Then who do you want to live with?' asked the judge.

'The French football team. They beat no one.'


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Poor Nigeria, I fancied them to do well and they go and fall at the first hurdle, looks like Ghana will be my new African team to back as Ivory Coast look pretty much out, although Ghana don't exactly have it easy with the match against Germany.

Hopefully England turn up tomorrow and win but if they win 1-0 I'll be happy, I just can't face the prospect of going out so early, but the way we've played so far I fear that Slovenia might do us, which is mega depressing :(

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I wouldn't call it sad, it's lighthearted humour when the country needs it. I've been slating the team and manager as much as anyone, but we've drew two.. so we shoulda won atleast one, we haven't lost yet & we've not even started playing. It reminds people it could be worse.

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Dear American National Team,

I don't want to be 'that guy', and put all the pressure on you, but today's game is much more important than you may realize. Sure, getting through to the knockout stages would be a huge improvement after the debacle that was 2006, and yes, we have become a fixture in the Cup, but the future of soccer in America rides on today's game.

All the hype and goodwill you have created for the sport in the US, from 'beating' England (lol, New York Post, you so funny), to getting screwed against Slovenia will be for naught if you can't defeat some dirty French Muslims. All the mid-American crackers caught up in 'World Cup Fever' will turn off ESPN and wait for NFL training camps to open if you can't get it done this morning.

Landon Donovan, I'm talking to you. Right now, the greatest American footballer of this generation is a woman! Mia Hamm is far better known to Americans than you are, and guess what, she's been a World Champion. All we're asking you to do is reach the Quarters. That's all. Just the round of eight. Is that too much to ask?

So today, go out there and beat the Desert Foxes, keep your goal lead on England, and don't face the Nazis in the round of 16. Though, if you do, remember that beating Nazis, like beating Frenchie terrorists, is an American tradition. So, don't be a commie, beat Algeria, and make America proud.

Your Friend,


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Gerrard playing out wide again. Excellent.

Except he isn't. His role is pretty much the same as Zidane used to play in more often than not, and nobody complained about him being 'wasted' out wide. He starts from the left and drifts inside, dragging the fullback out of position giving Cole a wide open space to bomb into.

Of course, that doesn't work when the whole team is off form and struggling to control/pass the ball, but changing his position on the BBC's pre-match graphic to 'just off Rooney' wouldn't improve that.

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I'm aware of this, but that's kind of a win-win for me. If the US finishes top of the group, then we did 'better' than the English (even if its just based on goals, and if we still have to face Germany, then I get to make Nazi jokes. Either way, today is the important game. In all seriousness, if the US fails to get out of group, its not going to be good for the sport in the US, and I've actually really grown to like soccer over the last decade or so. Hard to follow since I don't have cable, but I want to see it do well.

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