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I just finished watching Upgrade. I'll spoiler my thoughts on it so as to not influence any opinion before you see it. So don't read this unless you saw it or don't want to ever see it



I was really into it the whole time. It was a neat twist on the whole revenge thing. It's set in the future and this guy is kinda a technophobe where he does everything analog and has no computer implants when most people do. Anyway long story short he gets mugged. They kill his wife and he ends up paralyzed. This weirdo kid genius who bought an old school car from him has this computer implant that he gives the guy and he can walk again.

So it turns into your typical good guy tracks down the thugs mystery thing where he is trying to find out who hired these assholes to kill his wife. The back and forth with him talking to his A.I. implant thing was fun too. Well fast forward to the end where he has gone through all the guys and it turns out the weirdo kid genius set it all up. So he goes off to kill him. I kinda thought this was the case from the start. Weird kid was weird and he needed someone to test his implant on but wait theres a TWIST!

It turns out the kid wasn't in control at all. He was taking orders from the A.I. which has been running his company for a long time now since the kid accidentally put it in charge. Well the A.I. wanted a human body and it chose our hero since he wasn't tainted by any other implants or anything and that is like super rare now. That shocked me and I thought it was really cool. But blah blah blah our hero has a psychotic break and is trapped in his own mind. He gets to be with his wife again so he is happy but the A.I. gets control of his body, kills anyone who knows about it and then strolls away so it's happy. But Srar aint happy. That was a bummer of an ending.

I might enjoy it more on reflection but right now I hate it :( 


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  • 2 weeks later...

I absolutely love that. Wished he was directing as well.

Speaking of stuff behind the camera, the new Bond director is none other than Cary Fukunaga. Pretty cool choice, now they still need to add Idris for me to get excited. Maybe I'll be moreso after I check out Maniac and see how that is.

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loved crazy rich asians

loved it, thought it was hilarious and sweet and just great, but i found the ending a little unsatisfying. I went with my sister who liked the ending, but it just seemed to switch way too quickly

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