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NBA 2012-13 Thread

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Ty, you couldn't have honestly thought Rose was ever going to come back this season. It's been obvious since All-Star weekend.

Edited by HeadCheese
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I don't see the benefit to sitting out an entire year though. If he's expecting to be 100% back before he even attempts to get on the court, then he's a fool. No amount of scrimmaging/practicing prepares you for game speed and contact. I wouldn't want to build my team around a guy who has that mindset.

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I just don't see what the point of "Maybe tonight, nah, I'll consider the next game" was. If you're not going to man up and play, then just say it, don't drag it out until the day of the game where your team is going to be down 3-1. Like naiwf said, it's nice to sit out, but you can't get a feel of what a game is actually going to be like through practice and pick-up, you need to play an actual game. I believe Kobe will be back sooner than Derrick at this rate :mellow:

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They can't amnesty No Knees Stoudemire, so they're pretty much capped out. JR Smith is going to want more money and the only way they can get any better is to trade Melo or Chandler. So they either have to give up their one source of offense or their best defender. Good times.

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Nailbiter between Bulls and Heat. Damn good series. Butler definitely rushed his last shot, but I guess that comes with inexperience. Can safely say other than Warriors hopefully defeating the Spurs tomorrow, that's it for me this year :P

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Memphis vs San Antonio

I still remember being a little kid when the Grizz made their first playoff appearance in 2004 and watching them get swept by the Spurs. I know we eventually beat them in the 2011 playoffs, but man it would be sweet to knock them out and go to the NBA finals. Those guys have won plenty. It's bad enough they get the southwestern title year after year.

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So the Bobcats are changing their name to the Hornets now that it's available, which is awesome. Now can we just get New Orleans to go back on the Pelicans and trade Utah for the Jazz name? Do that, along with getting back the Sonics in Seattle, and all is right with the world.

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