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The Old XBOX Megathread


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Rocksta! On the way to Key West the other day, a guy cut me off like a bastard. He had an Eagles bumper sticker. I cursed him out. 10 minutes later I pass by him after he got pulled over. It was another swift victory for Cowboys!

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I'm thinking of renting Brink, but don't know if it's best to buy or rent...I want to save money for L.A. Noire next week.

I'd probably rent it. It's definitely not worth it unless you're playing online, and even then I'd make sure you've got at least one or two people you know who aren't going to be fucksticks and play it like it's Call of Duty.

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So Fear 3 has an interesting multiplayer mode:

It has "Kaney bans Maxx" written all over it though. Assuming we were ever to actually get it.

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After being terrible at free kicks in FIFA since forever, I finally practiced for an hour and a half. I just beat my best friend 4-0 and 3-0 thanks to free kicks and set pieces. I scored two goals in my first game off set pieces and headers, which pissed him off enough to slide tackle me just outside the box, knowing I can't hit a free kick to save my life. I sent that bitch in the top corner and he started screaming about luck. He did it again and I sent another one in. The second game he tripped me up 38 yards out and I put another one in. I had to talk him out of quitting because he was sure I was cheating somehow. It was hilarious how aggravated he was getting, though I fear I may have scared off my FIFA friend.

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Gameplay for Battlefield 3. Sorry if its been posted before/if there is a topic regarding the game already.

I watched it the other night with some friends and it has made me want to buy it. It looks amazing as far as the main campaign goes, and I wouldnt imagine the multiplayer being anything less (more so the PC one; 64 player capable apparently). I was trying to decide between getting Modern Warfare 3 and this since I loved COD 4 and MW2, but that one trailer has shifted me towards Battlefield at the moment.

Still waiting for some videos of MW3 to come out since I DO want to see how it looks visually and gameplay wise (hopefully better than Black Ops), but I may wind up getting both at some point.

My wallet is going to be drained come the last stretch of the year. With LA Noire coming out tomorrow and both Reach and Pokemon to play I should be kept busy enough for a while, but in a few months Ill want to get Arkham City, Battlefield 3, the new Assassins Creed, and probably MW3 depending.

Edited by Vitamin E
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First image from Gotham City Imposters, the Batman vs Joker inspired class based shooter. Spoilered due to size.



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