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The Old XBOX Megathread


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Who has Battlefield 3? My roommate and I both have it now and we need more squad mates! It's pretty cheap now and it's awesome. Go buy it people.

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I remember playing something with you once and finding you mildly amusing and rather inoffensive.

I believe it was Happy Wars.

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Christopher's Live account got suspended apparently. We had a credit card on file for it but we got rid of it because as hard as we tried we couldnt get it erased from our file. This was a couple years ago. We were fine because we kept buying the pre paid cards. Well this year came around and we didnt buy one on time. They kept giving us gold anyway until yesterday. Now he is suspended until he puts in a new payment option which sucks because we aren't going to do that.

I guess my point is do you think they will unsuspend him if we get a new prepaid card?

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Perhaps. But if you do have to put in a new card to get it un-suspended, then just go online and turn off the auto renewal, that way when it runs out, it won't try and charge the card again.

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