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The Old XBOX Megathread


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So, my gold is renewed until June 14th, 2010 :)

And I was so close to buying Far Cry 2 today....$35 at EB Games, $20-30 on Ebay. But....so many others to play right now. Halo 3? Still stupidly expensive. Someone find me a copy for $25 or under.

Also, Amped 3? Paid $17 for it. EB Games? $45. I saved a bit of money.

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Gears 2 multi is a good idea, I haven't touched it in ages. Should have lego Batman finished in a day or so. I'm off Monday, so I can play late Sunday night. Also, Ad's getting into it so I'm going to borrow him a copy from work. Is the campaign co-op 2 or 4 player?

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I probably will.

I've played a few rounds just now. Won 1 Annex and then lost a KotH and another Annex. My favourite moment was having about 4 guys surround me and managing, somehow, to kill all of them.

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Ugh, my Xbox is freezing when playing Gears of War 2. I hope this isn't part of a more larger problem. It was fine yesterday on Gears and other stuff.


Freezes also whilst playing Forza 2. Tried caching the hard drive, same problem. Tried playing without the hard drive in, more freezing. Trouble is, i'll have to wait till it RRoD's until I can get it fixed.

Odd, doesn't seem to freeze when playing video. I left a movie playing from my flash drive and it's been going for around 15 minutes. Will have to try and play a game/demo from the hard drive and see what happens.

UFC demo freezes too. :angry:

Edited by Manaty Porn
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Well, it's official, BIH Xbox 360 #2.

Apparently my Xbox's hate the month of May because my first one died around this time two years ago. I only remember that specifically because it was during the Halo 3 Beta.

Tommorow I will have to place a call to those lovely people in Xbox Support. I will say hello for you Fitzy, I am sure they miss dealing with your racialst views.

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Well if he had to deal with the same barely english speaking people I've had to deal with, whatever he did was perfectly acceptable.

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Motherfuck Dead Rising.

I keep going into the game, moving up a couple levels, then dying. And I'm used to my games autosaving at parts. But no. I have to go all the way back.

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I may be considering purchasing an XBOX 360. Just wondering if there is really a big difference besides space and colour between Elite and Pro?

I do not own an HD TV as well so I honestly don't see any big difference between the two besides the extra $100 buckaroos and double the space.

Also any suggestions on any accessories or good games (I'm mainly buying it for sports and wrestling games)

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