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The Old Sony Megathread


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4 minutes ago, King Ellis said:

I think I might have watched that Resident Evil movie they gave away for free after the Playstation Network hack but that's about it.

You never want to watch movies on PS with me. 

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31 minutes ago, King Ellis said:

I think I might have watched that Resident Evil movie they gave away for free after the Playstation Network hack but that's about it.

I seem to remember getting the Final Fantasy film after the hack. I didn't count that as a purchase, though.

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I've used the PS4 to purchase AEW PPVs, and assume they would no longer be available either, which is a shame. It was more reliable than hoping Fite TV would cast to my TV properly and not buffer ever few minutes.

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Yeah, the PS4 is going to be supported for like two more years, so I wouldn't chunk out that system just yet. Unless you don't use it at all or whatever - I believe @Your Mom has an Xbox Series S or X, right? Unless it's a Playstation exclusive, like the new Horizon or God of War or the inevitable Factions update for TLOU2, most of the PS4/PS5 games will be out on that system as well.

Not related to this conversation, but it's funny that people talk about PS5 consoles being so elusive, but don't mention how it's the same scenario for the new Xbox as well. I've been trying for months to get one, and I'm now trying even harder because of the Bethesda deal. It seems like stock never drops on the weekend, it's always while I'm at work and I miss it.

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You can find the Series S on eBay in the UK for only around £30 above the regular price. I don't know what the situation is elsewhere. The Series X is still at the mercy of scalpers, though.

I wonder if the talk about rare PS5 consoles is more prominent because there's more consumer demand for them than the new Xboxes. The Playstation fanbase is quite a bit bigger at the moment and there will also be people who play Microsoft-published games on PC. Microsoft seems to be pushing Game Pass as its premier product, with the consoles being a couple out of a few ways of accessing it. Meanwhile, Sony is pursuing the traditional business model of selling consoles as the one and only way of playing games from the studios it owns.

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A quick gander at eBay here in the US has the Series S at atleast $100 above the retail price, then you very very quickly get into a lot more $400+ listings. That's just the Buy It Now option. Auctions have them starting way cheaper, but will inevitably rise as the end date draws closer. I generally don't buy consoles off eBay anyway - the one exception having been an American Super Nintendo that was modded to accept PAL carts.

First the Switch being sold out everywhere, and then the PS5 and the Series S|X, is entirely the fault of the pandemic, though. Without it, I think more individual people would have them. But I don't think anyone is disputing that, however.

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I've never seen either - but at least for Sony I thought it was the case that they were specifically not going to be sending any to stores unless they were ordered. That was the case earlier at least - there isn't going to be stock sitting on shelves unless the very rare case where someone orders and doesn't pick it up... if it doesn't get sent back or just held there for the next person who orders.

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There are raffle groups in my area that my wife keeps track of and a couple weeks ago she actually managed to get her hands on a PS5 and was raffling it off. Of course my wife mentions it AFTER all the tickets are sold. I would have had a chance to get a PS5 for like $25. :( 

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I had to get a new controller for my PS4 a few weeks ago.  Now for some reason any time I load up any game or app, it won't work.  I can still use the PS button and navigate the pop up menu, and from there I have to disconnect the controller and re-connect it, then it works.  And now in any given gaming session I'll get the occasional pop up saying "microphone disconnected" even though I have no microphone connected.

None of this is gamebreaking, just an annoyance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Two quick FYI's.

There's some free stuff for Play at Home at the moment, mainly indie stuff but Ratchet and Clank is there at the moment and they're adding a few more next month.

Plus the PS3 store is shutting down if anyones remotely bothered. That said we did find our Guitar Hero controllers in my mums loft so might see if they still work...

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If you’re a PS5 owner, the update for Ratchet & Clank unlocks 60fps.

On 29/03/2021 at 13:54, Ruki Returns said:

Rumors of one of the free games for April being Civ 6.

I think that got lost in translation because it was unavailable to buy last weekend or whatever because they had a free play weekend. There’s a more credible rumor out there that Days Gone and Zombie Army 4 are the free games (plus Oddworld for PS5). Yes, it’s weird two zombie games might be the freebies but the leaker has been credible in the past.

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