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Beijing Olympics 2008

Guest Mr. Potato Head

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I must say, I am quite looking forward to the GB vs Netherlands mens hockey. I dunno why, but I quite dig the sport when it comes up in the Olympics.

Yeah me too. The schedule thingy on BBC's site is saying it's on at 2pm, but the Interactive thing says it's on from 2 until 3, so would that be just highlights or am I missing something?

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Good. I feared it might've just been highlights because I didn't see how they were fitting a 70 minute match, plus the Half Time break (they do have one, right?) into an hour.

But yeah, I really like the Hockey as well, even if it can be a bit too stop-start at times.

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I guess they have some kinda half time break.....my only worry is that they dip in and out of the game, since I don't have Interactive.

:lol: - It'll be 2-1 Holland with a minute to go, GB with the Penalty Corner, and Sue will inform us that Michael Phelps is going for yet another gold, so you'll have to watch that instead.

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Swimming needs to be streamlined. If he's the best freestyle swimmer then he can swim 7 bloody races using just that stroke.

There should either be rules on entering different distances OR they chuck out the 200 metres and leave it at 50, 100, 400 and 1500...Or something.

In fact they can get rid of the 1500 cos it's horribly dull to watch.

It's just a shame that Thorpe gave up swimming after Athens.

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'And we're going to have to cut into this broadcast, as Phelps is going for gold in the 'slightly longer distance but exactly the same stroke as the last two golds' final.'


That was the debate on Five Live.

Surely there could just be 60m, 600m, 1000m, 1200m and 2500m added on the track and we would get more multi-gold medallists.

If you are good at swimming a stroke, it's easy to train yourself to swim both kinds of races. However, if you are rowing a boat... You can only row that boat especially with others, so that you can perfect timing and power and calls...

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The swimming is beginning to really piss me off. There's big events going on and BBC seem desperate to show heat 1 of the womens 200m butterfly between an athlete from Panama, Netherlands Antilles and Bermuda or some shit.

It's all I seemed to see on TV for the first few days of the Olympics. And there were other sports happening that they could have easily showed. BBC probably have a bigger hard on for Phelps than USA actually do though.

EDIT: haha Georgia are currently 10th in the medal table (2 golds) which is epic.

And they're playing in the Volleyball with their Brazilian born players. Nice.

Edited by IAceI
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I hate the swimming, it always annoys me for the first week of the Olympics.

Then there's normally a couple of beautiful days between the swimming and before the monster that is track and field comes along and eats up the possible coverage of the other interesting sports.

Those two days are varied and enjoyable bliss.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

That's why it pays to live in Canada. CBC shows all the normal overhyped swimming/track stuff (and anything Canada has a good medal chance in), while TSN carries the longer sports like baseball/basketball/water polo.

Of course, it's going to get even more ridiculous in 2012, because we'll have about a dozen more networks carrying the Olympics, somehow including 'The Biography Channel'. <_<

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Damn BBC is raping ya'll, we only get swimming during prime time and maybe during the late night but they don't replay it at all so I'm not as sick as ya'll, but if they flip the script for Track and Field I will go crazy because I run track and I can only take so much of it

oh and those Chinese girls couldn't be 16, but we have to thank that one 20 year old for costing us the gold and getting raped in the team final
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Anyone whose watched the team womens Gymnastics from America on NBC (assuming its them who show it) does the Bela Karolyi guy do anything other than bitch and moan about the Chinese team?

It's just - I watched pretty much all of it and thought it was really good. Then after a bit of research which began with me looking to find out more on that sexy Shawn Johnson - she's only 16! Still, 2 years difference isn't much, so I'm fine with it all <_<. But yeah, I came across an article which was basically just him and his wife (the USA coach) whinging about delay conspiracy theories on Sacramone and how the Chinese were "cheats" and.. "arrogant" (the fuck? Arrogant?)

So yeah can anyone confirm that? Regardless of it all, I thought it was a really good event and it's a shame the Americans seemed to choke late on as I'd have rather seen China win it than America lose it. But yeah, I thought it was very enjoyable.

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Anyone whose watched the team womens Gymnastics from America on NBC (assuming its them who show it) does the Bela Karolyi guy do anything other than bitch and moan about the Chinese team?

It's just - I watched pretty much all of it and thought it was really good. Then after a bit of research which began with me looking to find out more on that sexy Shawn Johnson - she's only 16! Still, 2 years difference isn't much, so I'm fine with it all <_<. But yeah, I came across an article which was basically just him and his wife (the USA coach) whinging about delay conspiracy theories on Sacramone and how the Chinese were "cheats" and.. "arrogant" (the fuck? Arrogant?)

So yeah can anyone confirm that? Regardless of it all, I thought it was a really good event and it's a shame the Americans seemed to choke late on as I'd have rather seen China win it than America lose it. But yeah, I thought it was very enjoyable.

Bela's just bitter because his wife was coaching the American team and they lost. The Americans who actually did commentary on the gymnastics front mentioned that the Chinese performers were very young looking, but they were better on the events and that they deserved to win. My basic feeling is the judging was fair, Sacramone's falls didn't cost us the medal and I honestly don't care if the Chinese team used infants because they beat us in the routines. At the end of the day, Sacramone is still the World's Sexiest Gymnast and the other Americans can still win individual medals so it's not all bad. Bela was much more tolerable when he was the lovable coach of the team and not such a homer.

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The shortness of Shawn Johnson's arms frighten me. She looked like a stubby robot when she ran during the Vault.

And naiwf is right, Alicia Sacramone is the World's Sexiest Gymnast. Hopefully her self-esteem was affected by the falls. :pervert:

EDIT: I remember the commentary saying Shawn Johnson is a freshman. If thats true and they're talking about High School, than she is either very stupid or cheating. I have never met a 16 year old freshman.

Edited by DeeJam
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