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World Cup 2010 Thread

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And Donovan continues to look impressive. I don't get all the hate towards him.

To use another player in comparison, Tim Cahill, very talented, very good player. I just hate hsi guts everytime he opnes his mouth its like he wants me to hate him and he looks like the kind of person i would want to chin if I payed against him. Now replace "Tim Cahill" with "Landon Donovan" and you have my feelings on the matter, doesn't matter how good a player you are, if you're a prick, I am not going to like you.

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how in the blue hell is Donovan a prick ? In now way is Donovan like Cahill in that matter.

All I hear from the guy is whining going back to when Beckham joined Galaxy, seriously, I have not heard one positive thing come out of that guys mouth with ouut him then going on to whine about a decision or another player. The guy is like a 14 year old little girl when you put a microphone infront of his face, he whines and it sounds like someone has hurt his precious little feelings.

Like I say he isn't the only player who really sticks in my craw, its just the guy has been getting too much tv time. couple that with he is a recent Everton player, and it makes me want to chin him. Simples

I also want to spit on El Hadji Diouf before he retires as well, just to ask him how he likes it, but this is getting off topic...

So, yeah, how much are the krauts going to beat us Limey bastards by today? <_<

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They aren't. We're going to win, somehow, in someway.

We're up against a good team, but with an average age of 24 or something. Imagine if that was us, if we had all the English youngsters in whose age averages out to 24, we wouldn't be giving ourselves a chance.

I think we're going to take it, 1-0 or something like that. Probably from something like a Lampard penalty.

We don't have a great record against big teams recently (in actual competitions as opposed to friendly matches) but I can just see us scraping it by the skin of our disgusting buck teeth with added help from our massively out of proportion jaw lines.

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Another reason you can't lead games is because your front two fucking SUCK, and in midfield you have Dempsey and Donovan, your only real goal scorers and consistently the only people that ever look like scoring.

America need to find some decent strikers, or play Donovan/Dempsey as your front two and find some creative midfielders to replace them.

Says the guy who's club has the front two of an absolute fucking hack job joke, and the best player in the world to not get off the fucking bus for the World Cup.

Anyway .... Fuck Bob Bradley for basically handing the game over by starting both Clark and Findley. Disgusting decision.

Also, no we Americans would not have layed around in the fashion that Ghana did. IE = trying to make a bycicle kick clearance and then without getting touched on it, lying dead on the pitch for two minutes and then getting carted off just to stand up like nothing was wrong. No, we don't do that shit.

[bFair play to Ghana. They had two shots and they both found the net. I just hate that we're a better team but couldn't get it done. That sucks.


You weren't even the better team. And what's this bullshit of Ghana having two shots on goal? They had six, the same amount as the USA. They then had eight off target, one more than the USA. That means they had more shots than the USA, fucking hell, it's not rocket science. Not to mention that any chances USA had, bar the goal, they completely fluffed. You never were the better team. Ghana worked their socks off, scored two pretty damn good goals and completely deserved to advance. And as for the time wasting stuff, USA never really had a lead in this World Cup long enough to show whether or not they'd do a bit of it. Guess there's always 2014 (Y)

Edited by JohnnyPerfect
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We don't have a great record against big teams in major competitions recently, but we never exactly get trounced by them... we've gone out on penalties on a few occasions and surely our luck has to turn soon. How can we keep losing such even/nearly even games? We've definitely got a chance today. We're going to throw our bodies on the line against them and I've no doubt we want it more, it's just a question of whether we can attack with any real potency. Come on England!

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Should surely be the most heated game of the tournament so far. What we need is a positive and upbeat start to the game. Rooney really has to find his form today, because by his standards he's been pretty damn poor so far. Thought Gerrard and Terry looked great in the last game, so hopefully they keep that up. I've taken a punt on 3-1 to England, going to be gutted if we go out. I'd also like Lennon to start ahead of Milner, but cant see it happening. In fairness, it might be a good idea to bring Lennon on during the second half against a more tired Germany defence, could cause problems with his speed.

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Today's game, without my England hat on which is damn difficuit to do, is very even with a possible slight German advantage. In a game of heads and tails, always a good chance. Our best chance is to keep it tight early on and avoid a red card. This ref is card happy we have today so yeah, not diving in or swearing might be the key.

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Have it! :w00t:

Milner is going to rape that crappy, injured German leftback all the way to Zimbabwe and back.

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I realise that I'm most likely in the extreme minority.

But Go Germany. :D

Even if both teams are playing like shit (Which they are), I'll still take Germany.

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