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World Cup 2010 Thread

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We have large arena things where tens of thousands can watch still, there is a place near Manchester which holds about 20,000 people. That I know of.

Plus we much prefer to watch it in the pub if we leave ths house.

Whats going on with Glastenbury? Last weekend at the Hurricane Festivall we were like 60000 to 70000 in front of a LED. Berlin has an area that holds serveral 100000 people. I just love the party... to bad i am stuck in weimar. :-X

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You know what Dan, since I don't watch, nor care to watch English Premier League, I was going to come in here and ask:

Did Rooney just play like absolute shit, or is he just possibly the most overrated player in existence today?

I have never once see him play well, nor do anything impressive.

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Not sure what they were doing at Glasto, they normally have a big screen at one of the larger stages, I hear they get 30,000 there depending on the bands that are on at the time. Manchester/Glasgow has spoiled those kind of gatherings for us, 2006 there were problems following the England loss to Portugal in Manchester and then the Rangers "Fans" made a mess of parts of Manchester in a Europa League final a couple of years ago :/

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You know what Dan, since I don't watch, nor care to watch English Premier League, I was going to come in here and ask:

Did Rooney just play like absolute shit, or is he just possibly the most overrated player in existence today?

I have never once see him play well, nor do anything impressive.

A bit of both, definately overrated, he's a good goalscorer with World Class players around him, but he's shit under pressure.

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It's alright, fellow Englanders, at least we've still got, uh, rowing (?).

Rugby Union, rowing and cycling. ¬_¬

Also, Capello interview gist: "We played well, Germany were just better". Can we sack him now?

Germany were great, but we looked like Australia. In fact, I'd venture to say that comparison was slightly unfair on the Aussie defence. As for them only having ten men for most of the game... well, we had Rooney...

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You know what Dan, since I don't watch, nor care to watch English Premier League, I was going to come in here and ask:

Did Rooney just play like absolute shit, or is he just possibly the most overrated player in existence today?

I have never once see him play well, nor do anything impressive.

At Man Utd he's fine because he's spoonfed by the likes of Nani, Valencia and Giggs, as well as not needing to drop back in midfield to get the ball because they're perfectly capable of retaining possession and working the ball forwards from defence.

People willl ask why Crouch didn't come on, or why SWP wasn't brought on earlier, but the truth is the one players England were absolutely crying out for was Michael Carrick. As shit as he's been for Man Utd this season, he's the only player we've developed in god knows how many years who is remotely capable of doing the job the likes of Alonso, Pirlo, Xavi etc. do. The only other player that might have been able to do that is Scholes, and Sven basically turned him off international football forever.

It's no coincidence that our best players at the two previous World Cups (Butt in 02 and Hargreaves in 06) were players doing jobs not normally appreciated by the English. I'm surprised, and very disappointed, that Capello stuck with 4-4-2, a formation pretty much disowned by every other half decent team because it is so inflexible and predictable.

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So England how does it feel to be fucked over by a Ref?

Bad huh.

I bet goal line technology will come in now because a 'big' team suffered the loss. I'll say it again, if that had been Robbie Keane handling the ball against France, there'd have been a 5th official standing right next to the line there for that decision.

5th Officials did shit in the EuroLeague. They ignored obvius stuff right in front of them to a point at wich i thought that they only were there to write a report on what they could have seen different.

I know, I think it was Ajax who got royally screwed against Juventus this year in the Euro League by a handball made by a Juventus player in the 16 yard box and the 5th official DIDN'T SEE IT, how the fuck? He was literally standing in front of him. They are fucking useless because they are either blind or just corrupt as fuck.

England were screwed and 2-2 might have changed things but regardless Germany were miles better. Gerrard just kept shooting from distance, Upson and Terry terrible, Johnson looked very nervous on the ball, bringing on Heskey was retarded. England clearly needed Crouch like Redknapp said.

Edited by The Quasi Juice
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Just rowing seems about right. Rugby Union? lol

If I were an England fan, I'd be worried. The window for winning the World Cup with the current squad is firmly shut. There'll be almost an entirely different squad in 4 years time and the younger players aren't looking great.

Edited by The Cool One
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On the subject of Rooney, he is a quality player. However, he dropped in way too deep today to make himself a threat. Having Gerrard up behind him would have brought out more of him.

Any player can be shite when you play them out of position. It is up to the manager to get the best out of the players. Messi is a class player, but stick him in defence and he would be shit. Ozil isn't much of a finisher, so sticking him as a lone striker would fuck his game up. Rooney is by no means the messiah he's made out to be, but he is a quality striker who can become World Class if used to his advantage.

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Oh come on, Rooney played on the wing and up front for Man Utd. He just plays shit for England.

He fails to perform for England, but that doesn't mean he's crap. He was not utilized properly at Manchester United for quite a while, but Ferguson worked out how to use Rooney properly.

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Drop them all.

Come the Euro qualifiers I don't want to see Lampard, Terry, Heskey, James, Gerrard, Johnson (aka the worst professional footballer in World Cup history) etc etc, anywhere near the England team.

Anyone over the age of 28, get rid. Fuck it, if we're gonna be that poor we may as well just start again. Give someone else a chance because this lot have had 4 tournament's worth of time to produce something, and they haven't. Johnson, Downing, Bent, Dawson, Richards, anyone else young and on the fringes, get 'em all in. Can't be any worse than this shower of shite.

Honestly, if I was Peter Crouch i'd be fuming. Who's scored more England goals than Crouch in the last few years? And we don't throw him on needing a goal? Good work.

I feel awfully sorry for the England fans that spent thousands travelling to and from South Africa to see that. There was nothing, no desire, nothing. Hell, we're playing Germany. Our most hated rivals, and no one put a fucking tackle in for 75 minutes. Just stood off them and watched the ping the ball about in a way this team of England players seemingly can't fathom.

Oh well, roll on Spain/Portugal... then we might see 2 teams who actually want to beat their rivals.

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