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On 2/9/2020 at 10:22 AM, RPS said:

My daughter came home from school a few weeks ago asking who Rey and Padme. We had watched the original 3 movies last year, but never watched anything else. So we are watching the prequels. 

I watched the prequels after the Force Awakens and I found them to be god awful and I vowed to never watch them. Here we are.

My daughter is quite lost, but loves the action scenes. I wonder how the reception of Phantom Menace impacted the development of the movie. Phantom Menace felt like a Star Wars movie. Attack of the Clones feels like they responded to the negative feedback of Phantom Menace and just went full on fan service. So little makes sense without context from the original movies. Jango Fett dying, the Death Star plans, Anakins turn to the dark side, Yoda actually being a bad ass. 

I enjoyed Episodes 2 and 3 for what they were, but Phantom Menace is not at all a good movie.

On 1/4/2020 at 12:15 PM, Hellraiser said:
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There will probably no follow-up to what happened in the movie. But Maul shows up in both Clone Wars and Rebels. So if you want to learn how he survived Naboo and what his ultimate fate is I suggest you watch the episodes he is in. 


It's being rumored that the follow up to Solo may be folded into the Obi-Wan Disney + Series from a couple articles I've read. I agree though, I want to see it followed up.

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My favourite commentary on the Phantom Menace was from Peter Serafinowicz on Richard Herring's podcast, where despite being Darth Maul he wasn't invited to the premiere but paid flights and everything to get there. Then hated it. But the slow realisation that it's a film about trade embargoes is wonderful.

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Finally got around to The Last Jedi. Don't see what all the hate was about, I enjoyed it. There were noticeable flaws, but no more than literally every other film in the franchise. I feel it's just another case of "nobody hates a new Star Wars film more than Star Wars fans". I felt it was a step up from the first one which - to beat a dead horse of opinion - felt just like a fan remaking A New Hope.

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16 hours ago, Benji said:

Finally got around to The Last Jedi. Don't see what all the hate was about, I enjoyed it. There were noticeable flaws, but no more than literally every other film in the franchise. I feel it's just another case of "nobody hates a new Star Wars film more than Star Wars fans". I felt it was a step up from the first one which - to beat a dead horse of opinion - felt just like a fan remaking A New Hope.

The visuals in the movie were stunning. Best looking Star Wars movie. 

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34 minutes ago, RPS said:

The visuals in the movie were stunning. Best looking Star Wars movie. 

This. By a pretty wide margin. 

The first movie had some decent ones, but the last is pretty forgettable except for the shot of the Death Star half submerged in the ocean. That was gorgeous, reminded me of the water planet in Interstellar a little. I genuinely can’t remember much about the other visuals in RotS, barring the usual Star Wars ones (like the crossing of lightsabers). 

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29 minutes ago, damsher hatfield said:

My overall thoughts on TLJ is it was made with love whereas TFA was made with anxiety and TROS was made with contempt.

That's a pretty accurate summation.

TFA was a very safe Star Wars movie. It was basically A New Hope with different characters, and I don't see anything wrong with that necessarily as a launching point for something new.

TLJ was an attempt to take things in a less safe, but more fun direction. There's a lot of weird decisions, like killing off Snoke, that really seemed to go against what the Abrams hope was for the rest of the trilogy... but it's easy to see that it was made by someone who loves the material and wanted to establish what Star Wars is in the 21st century.

ROS was like watching a child go on a path of destruction through their toys when their friends have screwed up what they wanted. Instead of rolling with what was established in Last Jedi, they basically just go back to being safe at the expense of anything interesting... to the point that the climax of ROS is essentially the same as Return of the Jedi, right down to the

revived Palpatine revealing that his plan was to cheat death for years upon years so that he could try to launch exactly the same plan that failed off the moon of Endor and Rey could kill him? Come on, buddy.

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In my opinion, TLJ was a lot better than TFA and everything I've heard about TROS makes it sound like trosh.

I finally got round to watching the Solo movie a few days ago and actually really enjoyed it. Hoping that they make more as I recall there being some backlash surrounding it when it was first released, poor box office performances maybe?

I'm about to post this in the Steam thread too, but Steam have a May the 4th discount available on every single Star Wars game the platform has, which is a lot.

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I really like all three of this trilogy's movies. I don't thin many of them merit the huge criticism they got in some circles and they've all got their merits.

I will say, I think I'd have preferred to see a trilogy of either entirely Last Jedi-style films or entirely Abrams-style films instead of the back-and-forth we ended up with. It felt like both guys ignored each other's work to the detriment of the films they did make, but no big nightmare. I enjoyed this trilogy overall far more than I did the Prequel trilogy.

And yes, the visuals in Last Jedi were amazing. The salt ground stuff, Snoke's room, a lot of the Jedi Planet stuff were all fantastic. Nevermind the visual effects in the space battles.

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2 hours ago, Mr. Meacon Moneybags said:

Convinced my daughters to watch A New Hope last night instead of Rise of Skywalker. They’d never seen it all the way through and they loved it and are already planning another “movie night” tonight to watch Empire Strikes Back.

You’re a good dad.

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Just watched it & thought it was soulless. I didn't hate it, but it was also a film that didn't stir any real reaction in me, it was just a sequence of things that happened that had no real emotional weight to them. 

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