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2013 NFL Season Thread


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Plenty of experts are agreeing that it was a good move for Cleveland, and you can call it what you want but Trent lacks explosiveness, and honestly shouldn't have been drafted as high as he was. He's a good kid and I like him, and I hope being in Indy can help him get it together but I'm more than confident that we can find a running back to replace his 3.5 yards per carry (which was 40th in the league last season, by the way.)

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It's just too early to give up on him is all. His rookie year wasn't mindblowing neither was Ray Rice's, Marshawn Lynch didn't catch on right away, Chris Johnson didn't have a great rookie campaign either.

They'll have to take another RB anyway, and they cut bait on one with the potential to fully mature into something great.

Foolish. Simply foolish. Mike Tomlin, John Harbaugh, and Marvin Lewis just all bought each other cigars and drinks.

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Plenty of experts are agreeing that it was a good move for Cleveland, and you can call it what you want but Trent lacks explosiveness, and honestly shouldn't have been drafted as high as he was. He's a good kid and I like him, and I hope being in Indy can help him get it together but I'm more than confident that we can find a running back to replace his 3.5 yards per carry (which was 40th in the league last season, by the way.)

I'm curious, where did his eleven rushing touchdowns rank? Looked pretty good to me. Also keep in mind that he was the Brown's only real offensive weapon, and defenses were well aware of that. His ypc will probably increase simply by playing for a team with a real quarterback.

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For a team that has shown any competence in building a winning organization, this would be an okay trade. A weird trade, but an okay one. But we're talking about the nu-Browns. You can preach about it being a new regime all you want, but they've done this new regime thing before and it hasn't worked. You really think it's going to be different this time, when it's being lead by a guy who's being investigated by the FBI and the IRS for fraud?

I get Cleveland fans are trying to spin this any way you can, but ragging on Richardson for his production, in his rookie year, on a team with no other offensive weapons and a rookie QB? You're grasping at straws, and it's showing.

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Not so random note: LaDainian Tomlinson also sported a 3.6 yards per attempt in his rookie year!

And he was a bum who never won anything! In Cleveland you have to be the absolute best you will ever be, immediately! Just like Tim Couch!

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Another fun thing to note is that the Browns are good enough on defense this year where they could probably scrape 4-5 wins and find themselves well out of contention for Clowney or Bridgewater.

Well that's where the extra 1st rounder would come into play, I'd assume.

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You guys are acting like I'm super happy and ecstatic about the trade, and I have no worries or concerns about it whatsoever and it was the best move in the history of moves. That's not the case. It worries me that the new regime is doing whatever they can to burn all ties to the previous regime, and it worries me that we just traded a guy who we spent the 3rd overall pick (and more picks to move up to that spot) on for a mid round 1st.

However, it's also not a sign of panic or city burning either. You can say all you want about other RBs who had a low ypc their rookie year or "if Richardson had a better OLine/QB/coach/breakfast routine he'd be amazing!" but I'm telling you that his explosiveness simply isn't there, and until he works out some of his kinks he'll never be a top RB in this league. Will he? I hope so, but it won't be on the Browns, and that's what matters now.

I get that it's super fun to bash on Browns fans especially the optimistic ones, but I'm not as blind as you guys are making me out to be. I think it's a questionable, risky move that ultimately will be either extremely positive or extremely negative, there's no middle ground here. But I had to stand up for my team a little bit since this thread quickly turned into "Look how dumb the Browns are 2013 edition".

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If they're making shit moves, why not call them on it? I may be a Bucs fan, but I refuse to just bend over and pretend that every thing is all hunky dory with them, considering they have lost in the last minute for two weeks in a row. There is nothing wrong with calling out the bullshit your team pulls.

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I can appreciate that the Browns want to build for the future and the draft picks next year are going to do that, but what about the fans who have season tickets and have paid their money to see what is now essentially a team that has given up on this season two weeks in?

I say this as a Steelers fan who, at this point, believes they could be challenging for the #1 pick.

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