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The Barclays Premier League thread 2015/2016


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A breath, seemingly hotter than a lit fireplace on christmas eve rushed down Diegos neck as the special one caressed his special place.

"This is what makes you start over Loic," said Jose whilst putting his hand on Diegos sweaty tan back. "Yes capitan" screamed Diego right before having his face land in the soft silky pillow as a reaction to Jose pulling his arms back. As Diego tries to bring his hands up to protest Jose whispers : " No referees here bitch"

Jose tries to contain himself but Costas tight bunghole is like being stuck between a rock and a hard place. Jose moans like a man waking up from a 15 year coma. He quickly removes his special one from Diegos special place so as not to breed another Diego. " I only leave it in when im trying to clone more Daves".

Diego looks at Jose in disgust. "Cesc told me that Wenger could go for years without finishing first". Jose's face turns red, "I bet that Wenger would have lube supplied by the FA, meanwhile we have to make due with spit" Diego then looks at him again, shaming his abilty to only last a short while, both in clubs and his anus. "I'm sorry, I have nothing to say" Jose responds as he once again leaves down the tunnel before the whistle.

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Good goal by West Ham but poor defending from our point of view.  

Should have had a free kick like and they go down the other end and score...

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Should have been a free kick, but inexcusable from Moreno to stay on the ground acting hurt to try and get the foul well after the referee says no foul. If he doesn't do all that play acting and get back on defense, that goal maybe doesn't happen.

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Only way we were gonna get a goal... 

Best chances came from a Lucas header and a Joe Allen header which pretty much says it all. 

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