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2018 NFL Off-Season Thread


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Its because teams expect players to be underpaid until they have to pay them. Then soon as they slightly dip below their hard earned new contract value, they're cut without hesitation. Its a billionaire owner driven league and the last CBA's rookie scale simultaneously fucked both the rookies AND the vets. That's impressive incompetence by the NFLPA. People criticise Cousins' deal but what he achieved is huge and a far cry from Brady fucking his fellow pros by playing for half his value.

Nearly every other sport in the world has fully guaranteed contracts apart from  America's most successful and most dangerous one. Its so fucked. Not to mention the salary cap benefits nobody but the owners. I always found it fascinating how American culture is based off pure capitalism but all their sports leagues are run off socialist models. 

That's why I hope Odell drips the Giants for as much money as he can. He's earned it!

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32 minutes ago, TCO said:

I always found it fascinating how American culture is based off pure capitalism but all their sports leagues are run off socialist models.\

God damn fucking right, my man. That's why I hate people who try to push salary caps on baseball. The real best American sport. 

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That line Meacon has quoted is great, @TCO. I really wish stuff like the Premier League and even F1 were run off similar models but it'll never happen. It's sad how capitalism can dominate the landscape even in that model though, the money being thrown around in the NFL is ludicrous nowadays.

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3 hours ago, Adam es Tranquilo said:

That line Meacon has quoted is great, @TCO. I really wish stuff like the Premier League and even F1 were run off similar models but it'll never happen. It's sad how capitalism can dominate the landscape even in that model though, the money being thrown around in the NFL is ludicrous nowadays.

The money is the same in the NFL though it just goes to the billionaire owners rather than the players killing themselves for the game. Merchandise and ticket prices are absolutely astronomical for the NFL. Someone has to get the money and I'd rather it be the players.

Do a cross comparison of % of income spent on player salaries. Players get 47.5% of the revenue in the NFL and that money isn't even fully guaranteed. The open market in soccer is at least somewhat fairer as clubs can rise through the ranks and the market decides the players' salaries. The NFL is a monopoly and their talent is grossly underpaid relative to supply and demand.

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Now hearing Dez talk about things I’m shifting closer to “fuck you buddy”

Apparently getting cut has given  “a boost to get his body right and to perform.”  That’s great Dez, sorry the 70 million dollar contract wasn’t even motivation.

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11 hours ago, Meacon said:

God damn fucking right, my man. That's why I hate people who try to push salary caps on baseball. The real best American sport. 

Small market teams are screwed by the sport not having a salary cap. It's all well and good if you're a fan of one of the big market teams who can afford to laugh at the luxury tax. But not if you're a fan of a small market team who fears your favorite player will bolt elsewhere for more money once their contract ends. 

13 hours ago, TCO said:

I'd 100% take Kaep on the Giants. The guy is a middle of the pack starter and he's being blackballed for a peaceful protest, its ridiculous.

Michael Vick got another shot right out of jail and Kaep can't because American's have a boner for their flag.

Yes, Kaepernick is being blackballed because of the protesting. But he's also being blackballed because of his attitude. He seems to think he's entitled to a job, and the depositions he has going on for collusion don't help. Neither does him only wanting a team that will give him a shot at being the starter. That limits his options. Without all those issues, it's a joke that Mark Sanchez actually has a job in the league and he doesn't. The Arena League comment I made about Kaepernick was intended as a joke, but Sanchez should've been sent packing to there a few years ago.

Edited by GhostMachine
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If it's not x, it's y that is keeping Kaepernick from having a job. And if it's not y, it's z.

Any explanation other than they don't like what he started and is being blackballed because of it, is bullshit. 

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9 hours ago, Stick Stickly said:

1. He sure wouldn't have minded a shot with Seattle knowing full well that he's not uprooting Wilson as starter.

2. Sanchez is unemployed.

And suspended, because of his very obvious use of PEDs, personally I can’t believe it took them this long to catch him.

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6 minutes ago, Buschoru Suzuki said:

Just two days after retiring, Richie Incognito suggested that he will show up to the Bills' offseason conditioning program on Monday.  And now three days after retiring, he has asked the Bills to release him from his contract.

They don't have to pay him do they? Like that's some bullshit. Fuck that guy

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Does that make it better at all though? I mean, Incognito can really say anything he wants if he doesn't actually follow through with anything related to retirement, his status stays the same and if the guy doesn't want to play there then he doesn't want to play there. If I'm the Bills, I'd rather know now than in July.

I mean, the guy is a piece of shit but for reasons other than waffling for a few days on whether or not he wants to retire.

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