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The Old XBOX Megathread


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I don't conisder Guitar Hero, Rock Band, Karaoke Revoulition, or any other "game" that fits under that umbrella as games because they're more along the lines of simulators. Just my opinion, no need to bust one on your keyboard.

I think the point is that (almost) every single game ever is a simulator. CoD is a war-time soldier simulator. The only reason people like Fe get annoyed is because people tend to get a really snooty attitude about games like GH when it's usually not justified.

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Oh yeah Slogger, now you're here, not an hour ago when me and Sum were gonna hop on.

Of course my live is not working, so I'm not that broken up about the whole thing

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Well I just got Rainbow Six Vegas the other day and haven't played it much, just resucing the Dr/Scientist (can't remember) from the Casino after rescuing the hostages on the second level and haven't been on Live with it yet but I'll join, just another n00b for you guys to pwn I guess.

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Ad owns the wireless adaptor and he's gone back to Uni for an exam tomorrow, coming back the same day. My ethernet cable is like 3 feet too short.

I can probably play, I just wanted to guilt everyone into joining me >_>

Yeah, you'll play. You'll both play. :@

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Anyone here up for a tournament of some kind on Madden? Does anyone have their e-mail set in Madden? It e-mails you the stats from the game instantly after a game. Maybe set up some kind of mini regular season and then some kind of playoffs?

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