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The Old XBOX Megathread


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I added you FD. :)

Also, my Xbox is in Germany now. Hopefully it will be delievered soon.

Now for a spot of begging, my gold ran out today just as the special offer for Bionic Commando Rearmed kicked in. Gold members are the only ones who can take advantage of this so unless I sign up again I wont be able to take advantage. However, since my Xbox is out being repaired it would obviously be a waste of money since I wouldn't be able to play online during that time. So if any of you have any codes lying around you don't wanna use (for some reason that I cannot logically concieve) then I would be grateful. 48 hours wont work since they don't make you a proper gold member. I think the next step up is a month, never heard of any week or 2 free codes.

Dragsy, i'm looking in your direction. :shifty:

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Does someone happen to know the name of the two songs that come in your 20 GB Hardrive as default? There's two songs, I finished Gears of War 1 and Halo 3 with only those two songs playing over-and-over again and got addicted to them.. does someone still have those two songs or know the names of them?

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You have only 2 songs on? I think mine came with about 10 or so. Anyway, surely they are tagged with artist name, song name, album etc? Failing that, I don't know, any lyrics you can recall?

Frankly, i'm quite suprised you still like them and aren't close to shooting yourself in the head after what is probably 10-15 hours of constant play.

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i hate the E74 error lol. Happened last saturday and sent Xbox off on monday but the really crap thing was i preordered the UFC game and it came so it's been sitting around and i've wanted to play it. Damn it going all the way to Germany but should get it back tomorrow as it's been in Tamworth pretty much all day the tracker said. :)

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I deleted the songs after I started ripping CD's into my Xbox, it's been like three or two years since I last heard the songs completly and i recently heard a bit of one of those two in a movie [Four Brothers, bar-scene, background music] but can't recall any lyrics.. dammit

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* Furious by Z-Trip

* Punk Rock Superstar by Marcy Playground

* Band-Girls-Money by Tsar

* Shallow by Porcupine Tree

* Drive Away by Gratitude

* Pressure by Skindred

* Happens all the Time by Cold

* Get Up by Unwritten Law

* Streetcar by Funeral for a Friend

* Brother by Dark New Day

* The Razor by Head Automatica

* Krafty by New Order

That's the stuff that's on my, I can only assume that some of those will be the ones your after unless the pre ripped stuff changed over the 360's lifespan.

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* Furious by Z-Trip

* Punk Rock Superstar by Marcy Playground

* Band-Girls-Money by Tsar

* Shallow by Porcupine Tree

* Drive Away by Gratitude

* Pressure by Skindred

* Happens all the Time by Cold

* Get Up by Unwritten Law

* Streetcar by Funeral for a Friend

* Brother by Dark New Day

* The Razor by Head Automatica

* Krafty by New Order

That's the stuff that's on my, I can only assume that some of those will be the ones your after unless the pre ripped stuff changed over the 360's lifespan.

That's one of the songs I was looking for, the other one I think is either Krafty by New Order or Drive Away by Gratitude, thanks for this bro.

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