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The Old XBOX Megathread


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Hmmm, well, I need:

1 to 50 on any Snowblind

1 to 10 on all Snowblind

1 to 40 on Memorial

1 to 50 on Nowhere

Any of those appeal?

Not especially, but I will help out anyone from EWB to get GOW2 acheivements before the new one comes out.

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Got to the bit about the draft and stopped reading.

That sounds fucking fantastic, I've been wanting Madden to do something like that with the draft in Franchise, with Goodell coming out and announcing the first few rounds picks, and it showing the top prospects backstage.

While we're on the subject of none-gameplay elements of sports games, PES this year looks to be doing some stuff nicely.

The second video has a stadium presentation of Inzaghi signing for Bayern near the end, looks pretty sweet.

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The only games I've really ever played are Madden and NBA 2k and I'm looking to expand my gaming. I just bought Batman Arkham Asylum off ebay and am looking at a couple of others but the reviews are so mixed I'm now confused. Help me out EWB which of these are worth buying Modern Warfare 2, Assassins Creed,Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, and Dragons Age Origins? Other suggestions are welcome also.

Edited by matty
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The only games I played for the last 10 years are Madden and NBA 2k and I'm looking to expand my gaming. I just bought Batman Arkham Asylum off ebay and am looking at a couple of others but the reviews are so mixed I'm now confused. Help me out EWB which of these are worth buying Modern Warfare 2, Assassins Creed, and Dragons Age Origins?

I would order it DA: O, AC, and then MW2.

Dragon Age is a good game, will keep you busy for a long time. AC, is decent...but the sequels are much better. MW2? Single player store was enjoyable, but it's not long....and I don't know how many people are still playing online. You're better off waiting for MW3 in November.

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The only games I played for the last 10 years are Madden and NBA 2k and I'm looking to expand my gaming. I just bought Batman Arkham Asylum off ebay and am looking at a couple of others but the reviews are so mixed I'm now confused. Help me out EWB which of these are worth buying Modern Warfare 2, Assassins Creed, and Dragons Age Origins?

I would order it DA: O, AC, and then MW2.

Dragon Age is a good game, will keep you busy for a long time. AC, is decent...but the sequels are much better. MW2? Single player store was enjoyable, but it's not long....and I don't know how many people are still playing online. You're better off waiting for MW3 in November.

AC-DA:O-MW2 is more like it.

I'd also at least rent Splinter Cell Conviction if you like action stealth games.

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Hmmm, well, I need:

1 to 50 on any Snowblind

1 to 10 on all Snowblind

1 to 40 on Memorial

1 to 50 on Nowhere

Any of those appeal?

I highly suggest getting a team of people who know how to blockade with shields and do Memorial and Nowhere this weekend. If you do nowhere, camp in the lower half of the building in the center of the map and spread people out. Pistols work effectively albeit longer to kill, but its easier beating the later waves there rather than camping up top.

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Nope, didn't trade it in...I just won't send it to you. I plan on finishing my 'No kill/No Alarm' playthrough.

And I enjoy Catherine...the first time through. Second time? Not so much. I am going through and getting all the gold medals so that I can skip the stages, and then go through and get all the endings.

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EA Roadshow was cool. Some minor hiccups regarding timing (their rubbish powerpoint presentation at the beginning ran over a bit I guess) and staff (pretty girls with IQs lower than their shoe size do not make for good organisers), but as a first-time event it went pretty well.

Need for Speed The Run is balls. It's just like Hot Pursuit, only wank. They've changed the controls so instead of drifting properly, there's just a drift button and your car turns into a 45 degree slide like an obedient puppy or something. Completely took me out of the game. The EA rep said he was concerned we might all think it was some GTA-style open world affair as that's the impression some people managed to get from the trailers (trailers you produced EA you fucking idiots, don't want people thinking it's open world? Don't portray it as open world), but realistically, you'll get one 1-2 minute cutscene/gay QTE per hour of gameplay. Somewhat ominously, we didn't get to play these parts.

Mass Effect was kind of hard to gauge, as a. I've not play much of the first one, and none of the second; and b. The fucking machine had a massive memory leak or something, so half my playtime was spent watching it upload a bug report. It was fun enough and looked very pretty, but my friend who was with me was concerned that it was virtually identical to ME2. We were also told that the level we were playing didn't make the final cut of the game and that it was a really early build so it might not turn out exactly as we experienced it. Brilliant.

Battlefield was the one we were really there for, and we got to sample the co-op mode. Unfortunately, we were playing a night-time level and our TVs were set kind of dark compared to the other games' set-ups, but it looks very nice indeed, if a little...samey. I mean it plays alright and everything, but the escort (GAY!) mission we had to play was kind of vanilla. The weapons feel weighty enough at least. Again, our time was cut short due to bugs and crashes, so perhaps this was an early build and the final version will be better. At least, I'd imagine it will be on multiplayer. Like, fuck Modern Warfare. So hard.

Finally, FIFA. Which was, basically...FIFA. Looks nice, more precise control over the dribbling, and the physics stuff is pretty cool (apparently it'll match injuries up with where contact was made, and remember it so that body part is more susceptible to injury in future). Biggest change is the tackling system. You hold A/X to contain your man, and when he gets close enough, you hit X/[] to make a standing tackle, rather than just holding one button all day long until you get the ball back. Much more involving.

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