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The Old XBOX Megathread


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Fuck that noise. An hour in line with some sweaty, smelly not as funny as they think they loudly are, nerds.

I hate nerds.

This. THIS!

Good lord. This one guy behind me was a massive troll. He spent the whole time going 'Dead Island? Shit.' and it turned out he'd never even played it. Then he'd eavesdrop on people's conversations and mutter something about it. Then he was all 'WoW, that's what it's all about. Amazing.' and said how much he was looking forward to MW3.

Ugh. Still, steelbook for about 12-13 quid so not all bad. 800 points and Savage Grenadier. Plus I got an email earlier from my GAME pre-order giving me a Commando Dom code.

Also, i'm very dissapointed that the first person in the queue didn't do the what Link does when he gets an item when he got his copy.

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