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The Old Sony Megathread


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On the surface it seems fairly arbitrary caus sometimes it's before the month is over (like this month for example) and others it's at the start of it. I'm sure if you were to actually look at the dates properly it's something like every 4 weeks or something.

Either way, it's seemingly today for the Americas and tomorrow for Europe.

Though actually, now that I think about it, Americas might actually be spread out over the month, with a game or two every week whereas Europe gets them all in one go. At least that's what I've noticed from looking at stuff like Joystiq, they seem to have a PS+ update like once a week.

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I have been given the cross-buy download for Ratchet and Clank QForce on Vita, nearly a year after I bought the game >_>

As an apology #I have a free download code for Ratchet Gladiator, which is also something like 3 months later. But whatever, it's free. No idea how I'm going to find the memory card space though.

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You should have gotten the Vita one ages ago. I've had the Vita file sat on my PS3 for a while now. But yeah, they only just got Gladiator out in Europe despite it being out in America for a few months. Still, can't complain since I'm getting that for nowt since I bought QForce purely for that purpose and traded it in. I was a bit too late for the Motorstorm freebie but oh well.

Now I'm just not sure whether to play it or wait until after some hypothetical time when I've played 1-3. I'm fairly sure that there's not much storyline to it caus I think it was a spin off of sorts based around the horde-ish mode they had on 3 so I could probably get away with playing it before the others.

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Anyone else played the demo of the Flashback remake? I'm buying it as soon as I have any spare gaming time, it feels wonderful, plus the full game let's you play the original too.

Genuinely one of my favourite games ever.

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I was thinking I should go pick it up tomorrow but...there aren't any reviews out yet (why?!), and I still have to beat GTA V.

It's clearly terrible, they're just trying to trick people into buying it before the reviewers let it be known how awful it is.

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Dossent matter, if it is i´ll just do what i did with heavy rain and sell it at minimal loss. Considering how much better quantic dream got from Fahrenheit to Heavy Rain maybe they have big qualety on their hands now. At least The Two Headlining Actors sort of give me hope on the story being more than a puzzel of films from the past and plotholes gallore.

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I'm probably in a minority, but I found Heavy Rain's plot holes and silly B-movie set-pieces funny. I have a soft spot for unintentionally zany moments in video games, which is also why I like the original Resident Evil, despite not being a fan of its gameplay style at all.

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The Beyond: Two Souls reviews are starting to trickle in, and the general consensus seems to be one of a technically impressive, but significantly flawed game. 6/10 seems to be the most common score right now for those who like that sort of thing.

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