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Electronic Entertainment Expo 2013 (E3)

King Ellis

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Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies

:w00t: :w00t: :w00t:

Pretty much how I feel. They really want me to get a 3DS the same year I should be saving up for a PS4 <_<

Get a 3DS instead. We'd be glad to have you and it's apparently actually getting some games now. <_<

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One game I thought looked awesome was Witcher 3. I have not played the second one. Anyone done so? Any good?

I thought The Witcher 3 looked amazing too. I wonder if we need to play the first two before hand to understand what is happening.

But, for 2, I heard it's good, but hard.

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One game I thought looked awesome was Witcher 3. I have not played the second one. Anyone done so? Any good?

I thought The Witcher 3 looked amazing too. I wonder if we need to play the first two before hand to understand what is happening.

But, for 2, I heard it's good, but hard.

Getting the hang of combat is a giant pain. I enjoyed what I played, but I never really felt like I understood what I was doing when fighting. I really want to go back to it now I have the capability to run it at Ultra settings.

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Witcher 2 is a great game but it can be difficult and the combat does take a while to get used to. Definitely worth a play though.

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I look forward to that Cyberpunk game they teased more than Witcher. I hope it's coming to consoles.

Speaking of which, I'm not really sure what to do. I almost feel obligated to get one of teh new consoles since I work at a game shop and all, but I'm going to be keeping my 360 regardless since I've a stack I still want to play through and Madden will probably suck on next-gen like '06 did on 360. And I'm concerned that games like Watch Dogs, Assassin's Creed etc. that are all coming out on current gen will just be ports to the new consoles with prettier visuals.

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GAME has announced plans to open a dedicated Xbox Store later this week.

The GAME Xbox Store opens this Thursday, June 20, at Shoreditch's Boxpark shopping centre, and is described as a "one-of-a-kind concept store" that features "playable gaming pods, head-to-head challenge areas, a Microsoft Surface display and the latest and greatest in Xbox hardware and software".

The move suggests GAME is tightening its relationship with Microsoft ahead of this November's Xbox One launch.

The retailer told us earlier this morning that it would be working "hand-in-hand with publishers" over the issue of Xbox One's DRM and the handling of pre-owned sales.


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Weird that when I went into GAME the other day, I saw plenty of people asking about the new Xbox One but I didn't hear the staff even once mention anything about used game and game sharing restrictions or even about the 24-hour check in.

Surely not true?

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They're job is to sell pre orders right now. If a customer doesn't ask the right questions, some staff won't give the right answers.

That or lack of knowledge. I was chatting to the manager of the local blockbuster, I know more about the next gens than he does.

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I've said as much to Dragsy but I would not envy him come release time, specifically, let's say 1 or 2 days after launch. 'OMG, THIS XBOX ONE YOU SOLD ME IS BROKEN. MY GAMES DON'T WORK. I WANT MY MONEY BACK!'.

I think in retail though, there is pressure to drive sales, and whilst it would be nice to create some trust with the customer by explaining everything in frank detail, even if it did mean putting them off and losing a potential sale, with targets and managers breathing down your neck it's no so easy.

Or as Lionel Hutz would put it:


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