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2016 NFL Off Season Thread


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Tom Brady is also fuelled by bitterness and felling the victim. He's a mega rich 4x Super Bowl champion, married to a super model who's somehow even wealthier, yet the baby is still butthurt about being picked in the 6th round.

He's going to come out in week 5 and rage his way to a 12-0 finish and it'll be us against the world despite losing their second 1st round pick in a decade as a result of cheating. It makes me so happy to be a Giants fan and have Brady Kryptonite as our QB. :wub:

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With the reddit thread I gave up here, about five lines down:


Of all the crap going on in the world right now, somehow, this pisses me off the most.


Bye Tom. Shame it wasn't last year. Hell, shame it wasn't both years.

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5 hours ago, Meacon said:

The Supreme Court gets like 10,000 appeals every year and agree to hear like 120. If Patriot fans really think they'd have a shot in hell, then they're even more delusional then you've made them out to be.

They might hear the case just based on the arbitration/CBA implications. Also, still possible the entire 2nd Circuit may hear the case and suspend the suspension temporarily 

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Mel Kiper said that one of the teams with a top 5 pick is "in love" with Leonard Floyd, enough so that he wouldn't be surprised to see him taken that high in the draft which would shake up a lot of the mock drafts.

Obviously it's not the Rams or Eagles.  I still feel like that's way too high to take Floyd seeing as you can probably trade down a few spots and get him later.  Also it's Mel "I'll see you at Mike Williams' Hall of Fame induction" Kiper so who knows if there's any validity to it anyway.

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Mel Kiper sits in his hotel room the night before the draft and jerks off to 40-times and bench press reps.

Not saying Leonard Floyd won't be a big time player in the league, but Kiper is the one that had Logan Thomas as the #1 pick in the draft for a long time. Probably until he stopped looking at his height and weight and actually started watching him play.

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Rats.  Part of me hopes he can slip to 17 since Dan Quinn looooooves his linebackers, but it'll likely be Ragland or someone for the D-Line.

Falcons owner Arthur ______ demanded "three starters" from this draft, which is about the most hilarious thing you could demand from a draft.  That's like saying "your sixth rounder better throw for 4,000 yards this year"..."sir, the best safety in the draft has dropped to us"..."you heard me."

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30 minutes ago, Meacon said:

Mel Kiper sits in his hotel room the night before the draft and jerks off to 40-times and bench press reps.

Not saying Leonard Floyd won't be a big time player in the league, but Kiper is the one that had Logan Thomas as the #1 pick in the draft for a long time. Probably until he stopped looking at his height and weight and actually started watching him play.

To be fair he wasn't projecting Floyd as a top 5 guy on his own eye test, simply citing that he's heard one of the top five teams is totally ga-ga for him.

I can't totally hate Kiper on principle though.  As much as I disagree with a lot of his analysis, he found a way to get assigned to doing draft coverage for ESPN at 23 years old and has turned it into a 30+ year career.  I wish I had a well-paying job that involved watching a ton of college football and condensing it all into a three day event.  There are worse gigs.

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I switched to NFL Network for my draft coverage in I believe 2012 when they announced that they would stop showing every draft pick on the phone ahead of time and I've never looked back.  Even though ESPN eventually had to follow suit in not spoiling picks, NFL Network's draft coverage shits all over ESPN.

Now to just remember to never ever go on Twitter during the draft when the picks inevitably become backlogged.

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Another thing:  even though it'll never happen because anything NFL related is a ratings behemoth, I really miss the draft just being on Saturday and Sunday.  Loved popping that thing on right at noon on Saturday and watching basically the whole first round.  Now the Saturday portion of the draft is merely background noise.

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