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Premier League 2021/22


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Mike Ashley going has me interested in English football again. Anyone could have bought the club and I'd be delighted.

So far it sounds like the Saudis are just bankrolling it to make a cheap and easy profit, with PCP running things, so no actual changes to the football culture at the club. I can accept that for now. I don't know any Parisians who care the PSG money comes directly from Qatari royalty. I can't see any reason why the Geordies would care about the Saudis wanting to make a profit off the club since they are already rich. Time will tell if it's a weird ploy to present Saudi Arabia as in some way tolerant or open to change.

The overarching problem is the amount of money in football in general. The Saudi government are not going to change (at least not overnight) and business is dominated by whoever is the richest. Eventually all big clubs will be bankrolled by dodgy investors, or at least partially bankrolled. Almost all our favourite products, shops, brands are owned or partially owned by scumbags. Case in point: Mike Ashley.

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I'll be honest and say, while it was more than apparent to everyone he is not the man for the job (or any job in the top flight), I'm kinda surprised the new owners didn't give him 2-3 matches just for appearances.

But I guess they had 18 months to plan for this, and presumably plenty of time to get together a list of names they want in charge.

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3 minutes ago, Lineker said:

Bit shit to sack him whilst he's on #999 games though.

You can appoint him once you've given Nuno the boot.

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While I've got nothing personally against him, he was looking like he was on his way out anyway. For the now richest club in the league to "give a chance" to statistically one of the worst managers in Premier League history (in terms of win % and probably some variation of xGALGBGTQ+) is a bit daft really.

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New owners have basically just quickened the inevitable. 

Feel for him but at the same time no one can be shocked by this. Hopefully he can write a new book now!

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Feel a bit sorry for him, but at the same time don't. He will get a job in the Championship before long I'm sure, if he wants it.

If I were him I'd go on a long holiday first, like. Must have felt shit for ages the way he's perceived up here, rightly or wrongly.

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Well timed, was just looking here...

I think so? I've kind of made the decision that their sports reporters are probably separate to the editorial line of the paper regardless, and he seemed quite nice so I've engaged. My moral compass is ruined anyway this week so I might as well throw it away completely. I may make print! 

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