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The Old XBOX Megathread


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Summers - I was looking at your gamercard... no Bioshock? Pick that up if you haven't. And the Orange Box... mainly just for Portal.

Edited by Zero
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If you depend on auto save, you suck.

Real bad saving is shown in Dead Rising.

People always say this but, to me, it adds to the tension and atmosphere the game creates.

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The thing about Mass Effect is that it will save automatically at random times. I just hate it when I beat a boss and it doesn't save it, but I do something small and it will.

But... you can save it whenever you want. And they throw in the safety net of auto saving - but I'm also pretty sure you can turn it off if you really wanted to. Horrible save systems involve the outdated save point, the save wherever but we'll take you back to the last checkpoint, or the absolute worst - the ink ribbon.

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